Looking Ahead

February Through April 7

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Through April 7


The Library Arts Center in Newport is pleased to present an invitational and juried exhibit featuring artwork from artists around New England, in all mediums made in black, white and gray. Painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, photography, mixed media, etc. are all represented. The wide array of mediums, styles, themes and artists are connected in the gallery by black and white. The show runs Feb. 10 to April 7, with an opening reception Friday, Feb. 9th, 5-7 p.m. Admission is free. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Friday and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information on the exhibit, please visit libraryartscenter.org




Tom Pirozzoli, well knowen and much respected on the New England and national musdic scenes. Tom’s sdongsd have been recorded by artists as vaied as Tonto’s Big Idea, Willy Porter and Pam Prior. The Suapee Community Coffeehouse is located downstairs at the Sunapee Methoisdt Church on Lower Main Street, performance startsd at 7 p.m., www.sdunapeecoffeehouse.org




Drama Festival, 2 p.m., Cinderella performed by Maple Avenue; 3 p.m., Jack & the Beanstalk, performed by Disnard; 4 p.m., Emperor’s Nightingale, performed by Bluff.

Tickets, $5 at the door, kids 4 and under, free, doords open at 1 p.m., information, 542-0064.




Free, Church of the Epiphany, 4-6 p.m., turkey croquettes weith gravy, 7 veggie casserold, home made dessert, hosted in collaboratikon with the Newport School District/SAU 43 staff, donations welcome.


Jazz on a Sunday Afternoon, Dan Moretti, saxophonist extraordionaire, The Center at Eastman, Grantham, 4-7 p.m., reservationsd,[email protected] 763-8732,


Northeast Catholic College, 513 Kearsarge Mountain Road, Warner, $10 per adult, $5 per child 6-12, 5 and under free, 5-7 p.m. for more information contact Ginger Iverson at (603) 456-2656.

Feb. 26 to March 1


In this art camp for kids ages 5+, create a whole winter world build aroud scale trainsd! Build mountains, tunnels, bridges and more, 9 a.m. to noon at 15 Main St., Newport, fee of $45 includes all four sessions, regidster by calling the Library Arts Center at 863-3040 or register online at libraryartscenter.org



Let’s take a closer look at the white stuff! We’ll investigate what makes

snow so special from 10-11 a.m. and the “secret kingdom” where animals live during the harsh, cold winter. Join the Lake Sunapee Protective Association education

staff in this program for pre-school age children and their caregivers.

Children will love the hands on learning and sensory experiences; guided

exploration; creative play; and art and music. Free. No reservations

necessary. Meets at The Fells Gatehouse. Co-sponsored by The Fells and Lake

Sunapee Protective Association. www.thefells.org





Sullivan County Huymane Society Spay-Ghetti Dinner, 5-8 p.m., Claremont Country Club, dinner includes choice of sauce; neutered (vegetarian) or unneutered (meatballs), enriched or gluten-free noodles, salad, garlic bread and dessert, $10 each, under 6 eat free with adult ticket, sullivancountyhumanesociety.org or at the door, all proceeds benefit Sdullivan County Humane Society.




Common Man Inn & Restaurant, WCNL and Claremont Opera House welcome the return of Harold Ford and the Cash Band.  The Spirit of Johnny Cash starring Harold Ford comes alive at the historic Claremont Opera House Saturday, March 10, 7:30 pm when Harold Ford and the Cash Band take the stage. Tickets, $22, can be purchased in person at the Opera House box office, by phone at 603-542-4433, the night of the show, or online atwww.claremontoperhouse.org


Through April 7


The Library Arts Center in Newport is pleased to present an invitational and juried exhibit featuring artwork from artists around New England, in all mediums made in black, white and gray. Painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, photography, mixed media, etc. are all represented. The wide array of mediums, styles, themes and artists are connected in the gallery by black and white. The show runs through April 7. Admission is free. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Friday and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information on the exhibit, please visit libraryartscenter.org

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