Letters To Editor

Doesn’t like Poor Elijah’s opinion of the president

In answer to Peter Berger’s “I’m no Churchill”, Poor Elijah’s Almanack (Eagle Times 2-13-2018). 

I so appreciate your writings, your depth of history and your supercalifragilisticexpialidocious way that you put it all together, a real good read.

But, I would like to spar with you on your Trump opinion. I take no exception to any of your points as to the Donald’s shortcomings, all of what you said of him is true.  With that said, we the nation voted for him knowing he did disparage the Mexicans, his African characterization, his contradictions,  the belittling of John McCain, the sex-capades.  He will probably want to be first in the parade, right up front.  He attacks anything that moves and some that don’t.

But, we the people voted him into office, WHY?  Because the real good people took the sidelines and did not run, he beat all those who came forward,                                                   

leaving the citizens two poor choices.   Forgive us for our error, but ask if Hillary had won, yes all would be rosy; would we even be told of her missteps, if her lips were moving would we consider or even listen?  As society did not listen to Churchill (because others could not connect the dots) or were they mislead by Shaw?  History answered that for us. 

Did we the majority connect the dots on Hillary and conclude that she was, well let’s say a façade of Liberal ideas, that society wants no more of, the working man has had his fill of.  Vote for Trump and pray, Vote for Hillary and pay.

We voted for whom we thought was the better of the two, in hopes that when all is said and done we are better off than we might have been, but nowhere near our greatest moments in this nations history.  

 Bert Spaulding Sr.


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