WARNER — Incumbent selectman Clyde Carson won re-election to a three-year term in Warner with 372 votes. Challenger Edward L. Ordway Jr. had 198 votes. Other results follow:
Almoners of the Foster and Currier Fund, 3 years, Jere Henley, 540.
Budget Committee, 3 years vote for 2, Martha M. Mical, 469 and Alfred Hanson, 461.
Chandler Reservation, 4 years, Gerald B. Courser, 559.
Moderator, 3 years, Ray Martin, 542.
Supervisor of the Checklist, 6 years, Melissa St. Pierre, 540.
Tax Collector, 3 years, Marianne Howlett, 543.
Town Clerk, 3 years, vote for one, Judith A. Newman-Rogers, 498, Janice L. Loz, 90.
Treasurer, 3 years, vote for 1, Ginger L. Marsh, 414, Michael Ayotte, 143.
Trustee of Pillsbury Free Library, 3 years, vote for 3, Rhonda St. James, 471, Michael S. Simon, 463, James M. Zablocki, 447.
Trustee of Town Cemeteries, 3 years, vote for 2, Gerald B. Courser, 519, Penny Sue Courser, 516.
Trustee of Trust Funds, 3 years, John W. Warner, 517.
Two zoning amendments passed by large margins.
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