LONDONDERRY —The Flood Brook School Drama Club, under the direction of Jennifer Repinski, will performThe Many Disguises of Robin Hoodby Brian Guehring at The Weston Playhouse in Weston at 7:30 on April 6 and April 7. The performance is produced by special arrangement with The Dramatic Publishing Company, Inc., of Woodstock, Illinois.
The play is set in merry ol’ England, where the townspeople are overtaxed and overwhelmed. Luckily, the mysterious outlaw Robin Hood is giving them hope by stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. With many clever disguises, Robin continually tricks the greedy Sheriff of Nottingham, his nasty daughter, Luciana, and the evil Prince John. Eventually, a merry band of outlaws, childhood friends, and the brave Maid Marian, use all of their swords, arrows, and wits to save Robin Hood from the gallows.
Featuring a cast of students in Grades 5-8 with additional help from high school, parent and community volunteers. Tickets will be available at the door: $5 for adults and $3 for students/senior citizens.
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