
Nepotism and Conflicts of Interest

With the Newport Town Meeting coming up on May 8th there is an important election for an open seat for Selectman.

My opponent in this election has made comments on Social Media about conflicts of interest. The real fact is if she is elected, the very real conflicts will be hers. Those conflicts of interest will further complicate the problematic nepotism that currently exists within the Newport Fire/EMS Departments.

If elected, she would have a conflict of interest in six Departments within the Town of Newport including: Fire Department, Emergency Medical Service, Emergency Communications, Emergency Management, Building Inspections, and Health Administration.

This is due to the candidate’s husband being the Fire Chief, one son being a Lieutenant in the Fire Department, and another son being a Dispatcher at the Newport Police Department. The Fire Chief also oversees Emergency Management, Health Administration and is also one of the Building Inspectors.

Even if you want to believe that there are no issues to be addressed, the fact is my opponent would not be able to vote or take action affecting a large portion of our Town’s operational issues. I ask that you vote for the candidate who has the ability to perform the duties as a selectman without any of the perceived or very real conflicts listed above.

The Board of Selectman Code of Ethics specifically addresses conflicts of interest. In particular it says:

“Whereas public confidence in and respect for all public officials, members, employees, and volunteers is to be expanded and retained through:

a. The fair, impartial and equal treatment under the law of each citizen; and

b. The avoidance by officials of conflicts of personal interests and the public interest whether they be actual or (merely) potential; and

Furthermore, if elected she would further complicate a serious issue of Nepotism within the Newport Fire Department (NFD). A recent detailed review of the Fire Department by JLN Associates dated July 31, 2017, specifically found that Nepotism is the single largest problem within the Department. Findings from that report show several examples of leadership issues and operations that need to be corrected. Please feel free to read the report in its entirety at:

While it is not my intention to disparage anyone or any candidate I feel it is my duty to ensure the voters of this town are well informed. There’s no doubt that everyone that sits in the seat of a Selectman has a conflict of interest from time to time and has an obligation to recuse himself or herself from the issue at hand.

However, it seems inappropriate to run for election to a position that would clearly have significant conflicts of interest and further complicate a difficult situation within several of our Town Departments.

I urge voters to study this issue, ask questions, get a copy of the JLN report and base your voting decision on facts and not rumors and whom you feel will best be able to represent all citizens and oversee all aspects of Town government.

Thank you for your consideration on May 8th.

Todd Fratzel


(Editor’s Note—The Argus-Champion welcomes comments from Cindy Conroy, seeking election to the three-year seat now held by Todd Fratzel who is running for re-election on Newport’s May 8thTown Meeting ballot. The Argus-Champion will also print Letters to the Editor from its readers in support of either candidate to be published in its April 26thand May 3rdissues.)

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