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Claremont Area AARP meeting news

CLAREMONT — The Claremont Area AARP Chapter met Thursday, May 10 for lunch at the Imperial Buffet Chinese restaurant. It was the 29th installation of officers and celebration of its founding in 1989. Installation was done by Roland Stoodley. The Guest of Honor was founding member Eileen Erozonak, 97, who was the organization’s third president and remains an active member. Outgoing president is Charlie Sisson, who was thanked and given a gift certificate.

Installed for the 2018-2019 season were Brenda Saunders, president; Ginny Smith, vice-president; Kathy Thompson, secretary; and Walter White, treasurer.

Board members are Jean and Bob Belaire, Alberta Marro, Mary Cook, Bev McGuire and Gloria Santini. Each member received a mug rug knitted by Faith LaBelle.

Entertainment was provided by singer and guitarist Joe Jennings, thanks to the generosity of member Pete Toner. The next meeting will be a barbecue in September.

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