A new restaurant with a “formally informal” atmosphere is being planned for the city. Debra Dion hopes to open “Annie McCassar’s in August or September in a renovated house at 163 Pleasant St., that once belonged to her grandparents. “We’re adding a solarium — a greenhouse — on the side of the building so it will be real nice with sunlight and green plants.”
Photo Caption — The Herbal Hut, Sullivan Street, Claremont, owned for the past year by James and Velma Burke, has been sold to James Furman, South Main Street, Charlestown. Most recently an accountant with Claremont Lumber, Furman has for 15 years owned and operated North Hemlock Farm in Charlestown, as an organic gardener. The Burkes will be moving to the Midwest, where he will continue as a sales representative for CPM Inc. Above, Mrs. Burke and Furman.
The two top awards given at the “Step into Spring” 4-H fashion revue Friday night at Claremont Junior High School, went to high-scoring senior members Tracy Pelton, Alstead, and Janet Pederson, Claremont. The girls won an expense-paid trip to Jordan Marsh for a preview of fashion and a special talk and presentation. Four first-year girl clothing members who sewed aprons were recognized for achieving scores of 97 percent and above. They were Mary Christie, Alstead; Kathleen Gross and Lori Duling, Claremont; and Carol Link, Plainfield.
Outgoing King Lion Robert Dole handed over the gavel to incoming King Lion Ken Reed at installation ceremonies Monday night in the Green Room of the Pleasant Restaurant. Other officers installed were Steve Hinkley, first vice president; James Hanks, second vice president; Jack McKenzie, third vice president; Douglas Clark, secretary; Scott Hinkley, treasurer; Harry Ryan, lion tamer; Robert Porter, tail twister; and Roger Hinkley, Robert Cote, Charles Johnson and Ray Tewksbury, directors.
Newport hospital administrator Gerald F. Usery will formally announce his candidacy for representative from New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District May 16. Usery, a New Hampshire resident for nine years, has considered running for the office as far back as February. He is a Democrat. Usery said he did not wish to go into the specifics of his campaign yet when contacted by phone Friday. He said a press advisory will be released early this week.
The third quarter high honor roll at Newport High School included seniors Ann Cougle, Daniel Goewey, Beth Hoyt, Beth Niemi, Lisa St. Martin and Cathy Swenson; juniors Jennifer Armen, Heather Billings, Karen Coronis, Douglas O’Mara, Kim Rozokat and Debra Story; sophomores Vicki Greenleaf, Susan Howley and Stanley Sokul and freshmen, Jo-Ellen Aldrich, Thomas Campbell, Lisa Davidson and Margaret Morrow.
Advertisement — First National Stores–Chock Full O’Nuts Coffee, 16 oz. Can $2.29; Finast Thin Spaghetti, 15 cents 1 lb. Package; Redpack Spaghetti Sauce, 39 cents 32 oz. Jar.
Most Rev. Odore Gendron D.D., Bishop of Manchester, was in Newport to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation to 90 candidates at St. Patrick’s Church. Every candidate performed at least six hours of service in preparation to receiving the Sacrament. These hours will be presented to the bishop by Kelly Rodeschin and Donald Martin.
Newport Code Enforcement Officer Kenneth Lurvey said last week the Riverside Housing Project would not be delayed by his departure. Lurvey has accepted a position as Claremont community development project administrator. Thirteen workers are using hand tools to tear down buildings on seven parcels on Sunapee and Central streets, and the area will be landscaped, retaining walls will be put in and trees and shrubs will be planted.
Supervisory Union 60 evaluated and renewed contracts for Superintendent Harry S. Westcott, Charlestown, and Assistant Superintendent John Menton, Marlow, at Thursday’s school board meeting. Robert W. Stone, chairman of the Fall Mountain Regional School District, was elected chairman of the supervisory union board.
High honor roll students for the third marking period at Fall Mountain Regional High School are Janet LeBerge, Ronald Makinen and Judith Stamm, Grade 12; Gregory Gay, Janyce Havlir and Jenna Hayward, Grade 11; Jill Bemis and Karen Putnam, Grade 10; and Amy Conklin, Dewitt Davis, Heidi Frizzell, Jan Galloway, Kathy Johnson, Tracy Judd and Deborah Konesko, Grade 9.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pratt, Lower Village, have returned from a vacation to Pensacola, Fla. While there, Mr. and Mrs. Pratt were reunited with Mr. and Mrs. Pratt’s daughter, Linda Pratt, Seattle, Wash., and sons First Class Petty Officer Michael Pratt and Chief Douglas Pratt, both stationed at Pensacola Naval Base.
Susan Henault, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Henault of 86 Charlestown Road, Claremont, is valedictorian of the graduation class at St. Mary High School. Salutatorian of the Class of 1963 is Daniel Couture, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Couture of 69 Tremont St.
The bird believed by Twin State Valley viewers to have been an eagle is in all probability an osprey. Walter W. Kidder of Charlestown, who has seen the bird several times, passed on this information today. Both are somewhat similar in size and shape, he said, but the eagle’s flight is smoother and the ospreys more irregular.
The Sears Roebuck Catalog store in Claremont has a new manager. Lawrence Vachon, 37, took over as manager May 1, succeeding Mrs. Caroline Edvinson, who resigned to become credit assistant in the store. Vachon comes to Claremont from Barre, Vt.
The Fiske Free Library is now in possession of a microfilm copy of the National Eagle for the years 1846 to 1851. Contained in box about the size of a half-gallon carton of ice cream, the film was delivered this week to the library. Its arrival marked the culmination of almost a year of negotiations and co-operative arrangements whereby the local library, the New Hampshire State Library and the University of California, each now owns a copy of the early Claremont weekly from the early years of the great westward migration.
Private Bruce E. Richardson has left for six-month military training at Fort Dix, N.J. Richardson is a member of Newport’s National Guard unit, Service Battery, Ist Howitzer Battalion, 197th Field Artillery. His battery commander is Capt. Howard E. Gilson. Private Richardson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Richardson of Kelleyville.
Mrs. Greta Rule was re-elected president of the Parents, Teachers and Friends Club at Towle High School Thursday evening. She heads the group’s executive committee that includes these new officers: Mrs. Eleanor Shadis, vice president; Mrs. Marie Maxfield, secretary; Mrs. Frances Bartlett, treasurer; Mrs. Helen Budd, primary school representative; Mrs. Jean Bates, Richards School; Mrs. Grace Emmerton, junior high; and Mrs. Evelyn Saggiotes, high school.
Donald Martin, an owner of Martin Hardware, was elected president of the Newport Chamber of Commerce at a meeting of the board of directors Tuesday in the Priscilla Restaurant. Postmaster Orimer Bugbee was elected vice president; Edward DeCourcy, editor and publisher of the Argus-Champion, second vice president; and Arthur Bergeron, secretary-treasurer.
Pleamon Clark, L. M. Perkinson and Theodore Brooks, New London, were among 24 Scouters to receive awards at the annual recognition dinner of Mantowa District, Daniel Webster Council, Boy Scouts of America, Thursday night in Claremont. Mr. Clark is Scoutmaster of Troop 335 and Mr. Perkinson is assistant district commissioner.
Lester Glazier is on vacation this week from his duties at the Claremont A&P store.
Bruce Coggeshall, son of Mrs. Katherine Coggeshall and a junior at Dartmouth College, Hanover, has been elected secretary of the Interfraternal Council. He is serving as president of his fraternity, Sigma Phi Epsilon.
Curtis Caldwell has sold land on Hells Corner Road to Herbert B. Coombs, Waltham, Mass. Mr. Coombs will build a camp there.
Miss Diane O’Leary, Reed’s Ferry, and Miss Judy Gonyea, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doxter recently. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund O’Leary drove to Sunapee Saturday to get their daughter, Diane.
Mrs. Laura Billings was elected president of the Sunapee Woman’s Club at the annual meeting at Woodbine Cottage. Other officers named for the coming year were Reta Morse, vice president; Helen Rainey, recording secretary; Elizabeth Perkins, treasurer; Dorothy Jones, auditor; and Margaret Slattery, Beulah Burney and Agnes Sherburne, executive board.
An east wind took the last of the broken ice away from the shores of Lake Sunapee here Thursday.
Fred Davis, David Reney and Seely Philbrick were Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis in North Sutton. Mrs. Fred Davis and her children visited Mrs. Gordon Davis when her sister-in-law, Mrs. Arthur Dean, and her children from Lincoln were there.
The Willing Workers Club is sponsoring a series of dental clinics conducted by Dr. Chris Armen, Newport.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bond have returned to their North Grantham home after a winter in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellingwood and their daughter, Marie, Washington, D.C., were Friday and Saturday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Dearden, Croydon Flat. Mrs. Mary Ellingwood, mother of Cecil Ellingwood, went to Washington with them.
Dana K. Ball, a junior at Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., has been elected president of the Class of 1949 for the senior year. Son of Howard T. Ball of 86 Summer St., the new class leader is specializing in American history and political science. He is a graduate of Stevens High School, Class of 1937, and attended the University of New Hampshire.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney D. Emerson of 71 West Pleasant St., have returned home from spending the winter in Florida and are now at their Crescent Lake cottage in Unity, where they will spend the summer months.
Miss Amelia Skill’s castles in the air have become a reality. Daydreams, which for most of us are never realized or are fulfilled in the retirement years have become her daily routine. She’s doing exactly what she always wanted to do. Miss Skill has become Claremont’s first woman barber by having the courage of her conviction that a former hobby would pay dividends.
Honor students in the eighth grade at Claremont Junior High are Ivy Atwood, Johanna Baldassaro, Robert Belair, William Brodrick, Leona Bugbee, Carolyn Chase, Jason Chick, Fay Horton, Jane Couture, Janet Couture, James Genovese, Margaret Griswold, Nancy Harvey, Beryl Lamar, Valeria Lasky, Jennie Leszkiewicz, Theresa Breton, Lois Winot, Beatrice French, Paul LaPanne, Eleanor Mann, Melodie Morrill, Jacqueline Palmer, Yolanda Parrotto, Barbara Pedersen, Jean Primmer, Barbara Salmi, Norma Simmons, Jean Valliere, Marilyn Wheeler, Patricia White and Roger Wilson.
At a recent meeting of Supervisory Union 43, the members of the school boards of Newport, Sunapee, New London and Springfield elected Howard Bennett, chairman of the Newport Board, as chairman of the Supervisory Union and Mrs. Ruth Johnson of Sunapee as secretary. Superintendent of Schools Gordon B. Flint was unanimously re-elected and given a three-year contract.
Nominated as officers of the Lions Club for the coming year are Donald Messer, president; Edward Lehr, first vice president; William Hoy, second vice president; Addison Roe, third vice president; Kermit Baker, secretary-treasurer; George Smith, tail twister; Roy Hastings, lion tamer; and Judson Brooks, Benedict Zukauskas, C.J. Del Vaglio and Hamilton Krans, directors.
A 60-page booklet answering the $64,000 question of every red-blooded American boy, “How to Play Baseball,” was given to each boy in Towle High School by Leo Mayette, manager of the local Ford Motor Company. Mr. Mayette presented the booklets to an assembly Monday afternoon during which moving pictures were shown.
Bigger and Better was the term applied to the American Legion show presented here Thursday and Friday evening by the members of the Brewster-Gould American Legion. Under the general chairmanship of Charles F. Aiken, assisted by Nat Daimont, Samuel Edes, Maurice J. Downing, Clinton J. Corliss and Earl Douglass, the hit production was directed by William White with Commander Louis Willett as interlocutor.
Elected to head the student council at Towle High School next year are Harold Campbell, president; Jeanette Geoffrion, first vice president; Charles Willey, second vice president; Edward Kennedy, third vice president; Stella Zaharas, secretary; and Arthur Catsam, treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kirk, who have been staying with T.O. Russell, since their return from Florida have purchased a place in New London near Twin Lake Villa, it is reported.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Laro attended a party in Grantham Saturday night at Mr. and Mrs. Dickinsons. The occasion being the birthday of Victor’s brother, Leonard. There were 36 people present and the guest of honor received a number of nice gifts.
Douglas A. Pratt celebrated his sixth birthday on Saturday, May 15th, with a party at his home. The following were present: Jackie and Priscilla Warburton, Ronald Partlow, Amelia and Chad Stevens and Maurice McClellan. Refreshments of ice cream, cake, soda and lollipops were enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Roberts entertained Lou Jacod of Hackensack, N.J. Mr. Jacod landed a 15-pound salmon at Blodgett’s Landing.
Mrs. Sara Daniels is not in her usual good health. Her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wales of Medford, Mass., were up to see her quite recently.
Miss Louise Pitman and Mr. Fred Pitman from Durham college, and Frank Pitman Jr., from Virginia, were at their home here in town for the weekend, in honor of Mother’s Day for Mrs. Frank Pitman Sr. Mr. Pitman Sr., was home also.
Mrs. Frank Mark, Mrs. Charles Hill, Mrs. Frank Howley and Mrs. MacDonald were among those from Sunapee attending the Rebecca Assembly in Portsmouth.
Howard R. Sargent, a sophomore at Yale University, has recently been elected treasurer of the Archeological Society of Connecticut.
The Safford children have whooping cough.
Leon Huot worked for Elbridge Miles last Thursday, trucking hay.
If a four-leaf clover is lucky, what is an eight-leaf clover? Elbridge Miles found one recently.
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