Past Times

Plans for Washington Street shopping center move slowly in Claremont



Technical Sergeant Richard W. Monckton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B. Monckton, 49 High St., Claremont is now wearing a distinctive service ribbon as a member of an organization, which recently received the U.S. Air Fore Outstanding Unity Award. He is a 1968 graduate of St. Mary High School.

Members of the New Hampshire Historic Preservation Review Board, including George Gilman, State Historic Preservation Commissioner, will tour the Claremont Opera House and mill complex today, accompanied by Paul Mirski, architect. The group will meet with Mayor Charles Puksta and the Historic American Engineering Record and Technical Preservation Services team to learn about the city’s pilot project in coordinated energy conservation, urban revitalization and industrial redevelopment.

Striking Dartmouth Woolen Mill employees are picketing the plant today after voting Saturday morning to reject a three-year contract. The strike, the first in the mill’s 53-year history, came after a 170-31 strike vote by members of the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union. The company and the union couldn’t come to an agreement on either wages or fringe benefits, according to Lorraine Palmer, business agent and negotiator for the local negotiations.

Plans for a new shopping center on Washington Street are still in the works, according to Mathew Sugarman, president of Norcross Development Associates. First revealed last June, little action has since been taken on moving ahead with the plan to build a shopping center on roughly 11 acres of land next to the Claremont Drive-In.


Terry Marie Goyette, daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Eugene J. Goyette Jr., Parkview Street, Newport, recently received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Education from Keene State College. Miss Goyette, a 1974 graduate of Newport High, served as treasurer of the Home Management Class at Keene State.

Joan Hastings, whose entry was a formal dinner dress, was the first-place winner in the Class A sewing contest sponsored by the home economics committee of Sullivan Grange, Newport. Annie Eckerman, who submitted a little girl’s dress, was the winner in the Class C competition.

Pauli Marr, RN, the former Pauline Racicot of Newport, was instrumental in advancing two lifesaving programs for which professional medical personnel have been recruited throughout two counties in Florida. Mrs. Marr is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Racicot, lifelong Newport residents. Mrs. Marr is assistant director of nursing for Ormond Beach Hospital and previously taught at Daytona Beach Community College. She lives in Ormond Beach with her husband, a managing engineer at General Electric, and their four children.


Elizabeth Kramer, a senior at Sunapee High School, will study in the pre-med program at the University of Vermont, Burlington, where she has been accepted for fall enrollment.

Francis Lovejoy, Sunapee, a legal secretary for Leahy & Denault, Claremont, was installed as president of the Grafton-Sullivan County Legal Secretaries’ Assn. Marcella F. Bushway Newport, legal secretary for Michael A. Work, Newport, was named vice president. Janet Bemis and Joyce Michaud, both of Claremont, and secretaries for Leahy and Denault, were elected treasurer and secretary, respectively. Susan Karp, Cornish is the representative to the National Association of Legal Secretaries. Atty. Work, the guest speaker, spoke on “Being a Lawyer in a Small Town.”


Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Mullican and children, Kim and Chris, Sunapee-West Campground, have moved to make their permanent home in Virginia.


The Friends of the Olive G. Pettis Library voted recently to have a smoke detection system installed in the library. Plans for the annual library festival and sale July 28 were discussed and Arthur Nelson was appointed general chairman of the event.



Advertisement—First National Stores, Top Round or Cube Steak, 99 cents lb.; London Broil shoulder steak, 79 cents lb.; Chicken Wings, 29 cents lb.

Charles LaRoche, sponsored at Mooseheart by Claremont Lodge 1201, Loyal Order of Moose, received an honorable mention for his entry in the annual Chicagoland High School drafting contest sponsored by the Illinois Institute of Technology.

Susan Roberts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Roberts of Pittsfield, Mass., formerly of Claremont, was a member of the chorus for the Pittsfield High School senior class production of the musical “Finian’s Rainbow.” Susan is a sophomore at the school.

Cadet James P. LaBounty Jr. of Claremont, who recently completed his second year at the Air Force Academy, is on an overseas field study trip to U.S. and allied military installations. Cadet LaBounty is slated to receive his second lieutenant’s commission upon graduation in 1965. The son of Mr. and Mrs. James P. LaBounty of Plains Road, Claremont, he is a graduate of Stevens High School, Claremont.

Mrs. Howard Ordway of Waterville, Wash., the former Sarah Louise Elliott of Claremont, recently spent a few days visiting friends in Claremont.


Shani Lynn Stanley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Stanley, 18 Winter St., is spending the week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A. Stanley, Newton, Mass.

Forty-one children of St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church received their First Holy Communion on Sunday. They were Edward Baker, Gary Blodgett, Kevin Corliss, Bruce deRobertis, Peter Goyette, Denis Henault, Michael Kennedy, Denis Menard, Bruce Morrow, Peter Perry, Timothy Reed, David Rzucidlo, Michael St. Martin, Brian Towne, Michael Truell, James Wallace, Robert Wilcox, Kathy Lee Armstrong, Bonnie Lee Burrows, Deborah Curtis, Joni Dow, Diane Gosselin, Joanne Howe, Lucille Howe, Janet Howe, Sheila Jordan, Beth Marie Pillsbury, Barbara Reed, Marie Rissala, Joyce Syrriac, Katherine Trudeau, Dianne Weed, Martha White, Lynn Marie Jackson, all of Newport; Bryon Doxter, Alan Hebert, Dawna Wiggins, Marie Wiggins, Marilyn Wirta, Guild; Michael Blain, Grantham, and Gary Dame, Goshen. Those who received their First Holy Communion at Sunapee were Ellen Croteau, Newbury, and Sheila Farnham, Chris Gallup and Patricia Harrison, all of Sunapee.

Herbert Guimond, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Guimond, was overall winner in the National revel “open” custom car contest, which was sponsored recently by the Western Auto Associates Store. However, because his model was not operational, he cannot qualify for the state and national contests.


Pfc. David Loverin arrived home Saturday from Hohenfels, Germany. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Loverin drove to Boston to get him.

Recent guests of Judge and Mrs. Cleon Ruffle were Mrs. Lindsey Young and Mrs. Lilla Gault, both from Hudson, Mass., and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Crawley, Maynard, Mass.


Visitors at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Kneiland Wheeler recently were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wheeler and their three children from Newport, and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Carey of Ascutney, Vt. Mr. and Mrs. Carey are Mrs. Wheeler’s parents.


Mr. and Mrs. James Allen Jr., and family, Charlestown, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Monty and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young, Alstead, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Allen. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. James Allen visited Mrs. Allen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hook in Kelleyville.



At a semi-public installation of Claremont Assembly 8. Order of Rainbow for Girls, held Monday night in Masonic Hall, the following officers were installed: Beverly White, Elma Griswold, Martha Heller, Betty Jean Freeman, Priscilla Holmes, Jean Goodrich, Patricia Benoit, Charlotte Bessey, Beverly Barrett, Norma Simmons, Louisa Thalasinos, Alice Howe, Doris Wadleigh, Marjorie Lawrence, Vera Larcom, Doreen Foster, Geraldine Kittredge, Marjorie Nichols and Daniel Whitcomb.

Court Marcia 21, Association Canado-Americaine, named delegates to a district convention on Tuesday. They were Mrs. Bertha Courtemanche, Mrs. Rose Hilda Lambert, Mrs. Virginia Marchand, Mrs. Exelia Gagne, Lucien Arel, Gregoire Lague, Mrs. Amelia Courtemanche, Mrs. Leda LaPorte and Mrs. Alice Joyal.

Joseph D. Carton was re-elected president of Local 2944, United Steelworkers of America (CIO), without opposition yesterday as Claremont’s largest local named new officers for two-year terms. Melvin Butterfield defeated Alfonso Riviezzo and Frederick Moody for the post of vice president of the local, which represents workers at the Joy Manufacturing Co. Other officers are Earl M. Bourdon, recording secretary; Bernard Revoir, financial secretary; George Gendron, treasurer; Edward St. Cyr, guide, and Norman Dunbar, Peter Savoie and Edward Leszkiewicz, trustees.


Billy B. Van was out of doors yesterday after being ill at his home for two weeks.

With bids on both the proposed County Records Building and the Newport Police Station exceeding appropriations, county and town officials were today seeking means to go ahead with the planned construction. The lowest bid on the county building, $80,387, exceeded the appropriated funds of $65,000 by more than $15,000. For the town building, Trumbull Associates Inc. of Hanover was again the lowest bidder at $27,525. But only $17,000 was authorized at the town meeting of 1946. Leslie M. Pike, chairman of the Board of Selectmen of Newport, said this morning the town would have to drop its plans, temporarily at least, for the Police Station building. “The bid is out of our reach. We will just have to wait until prices come down within our appropriation,” Pike declared.

A special meeting will be held tonight by the Women of the Moose for the election of offices for 1948-49. The present slate of officers is headed by Mrs. Choice Macomber and includes Mrs. Cecile Bushway, Mrs. Lyle Latvala, Mrs. Lillian Brook, Mrs. Natalie Sargent and Miss Helen Julin.


Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Walker Jr. and son, Peter, have moved from the Whitney apartment to Manchester.


Mr. and Mrs. Eino Anderson have improved their residence by building two new porches.


Robert Benoit has re-enlisted in the U.S. Army. He went to New Jersey last week. Mrs. Robert Benoit is at home with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hagar.

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