
We need a collaborator in the Lieutenant governor’s office

To the editor,

One of the important functions of the lieutenant governor is to bring people together and to facilitate balance and collaboration on important issues. The lieutenant governor can break down barriers to inaction and get important things done for Vermonters. 

Unfortunately, over the last two years, that has not been accomplished. Instead, the position has been used simply as yet another voice for the overwhelming Montpelier Majority to promote their legislative agenda of higher taxes and unsustainable policies. There simply hasn’t been the balance in the lieutenant governor’s office that there used to be.

But we have an opportunity to change that.

Representative Don Turner has served in the legislative minority his entire career and has worked with three different governor’s, three different speakers, and three different president pro tems. As minority leader, he has had to build bridges and unify people of otherwise different backgrounds. Don is a true listener — respecting every viewpoint and focusing on achieving balance to get things done for Vermonters.

As Milton town manager and as a first responder, Don knows the meaning of true public service and always puts his constituents first.

I ask you to join me in restoring balance to the lieutenant governor’s office by voting for Don Turner. 

Senator Peg Flory

Rutland, Vt

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