Caroline Roy
West Rutland, Vt.
To the editor,
Recently, I read an article in a newspaper stating that someone had been charged with four counts of criminal violations for illegally taking a deer out of season. Vermont legislators have written many laws and regulations protecting our wildlife. The voters of Toledo, Ohio gave Lake Erie the same legal rights as a human being to “flourish and naturally evolve.” I’m left wondering: why are there no laws protecting the unborn children in the state of Vermont?
More than 60 million abortions have been performed since Roe vs. Wade. One unborn baby girl every 87 seconds — with its own DNA that is separate from its mother. Women’s rights start in the womb. The unborn child has innate rights to life, rights that are denied by abortion.
We should all support a woman that is faced with an unplanned pregnancy, without judging or condemning. There should be no stigma attached whether she keeps the child or gives it up for adoption. But the mantra for so many years was, “Safe, Legal, but Rare.” Abortion should be not be seen as the first and only option.
Last month the House passed H-57 by 106-37 to guarantee abortion rights protection. The Senate now debates S.25 to enshrine abortion rights in the state Constitution. Let’s see this bill is not passed into law. The legislators would better serve the women of Vermont by focusing their resources on pregnant women that need support, counseling, job training and life options.
Caroline Roy
West Rutland, Vt.
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