
Cavendish Community Fund accepting grant applications

CAVENDISH, Vt. — The Cavendish Community Fund is now accepting grant applications for spring 2019 grant awards. The deadline for applying is April 30th and applications that miss that date will be considered in the fall. Grants are available for projects, programs or events that directly benefit the Cavendish community in education or the arts. A panel of local citizens reviews the applications and recommends awards based on the quality and feasibility of each proposal. The number of grants and the amount of each depend on how many applications are received.

Since 2007 the fund has given cash grants to individuals or organizations for educational, artistic or cultural projects, programs or events. For further information on the Community Fund or on any aspect of the grant program, or for help applying, please call Barbara Dickey at 226-7187 or Peter LaBelle at 226-7250. Requests for grants should be mailed to P.O. Box 154, Proctorsville, VT 05153.

Information is also available at Crow’s Bakery on Depot Street in Proctorsville and at the Cavendish town office on High Street in Cavendish, or by e-mailing [email protected].

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