WILMOT — The last luncheon of the spring season serving seniors in the Kearsarge Area will take place at the Wilmot Community Association (WCA) Red Barn at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, April 18. After the April luncheon, senior luncheons will resume in October.
Reservations are required for each luncheon. First time attendees wanting to enjoy a hot lunch, the camaraderie of other seniors are requested to call the New London Council on Aging 10 days in advance at 526 6368.
Door prizes, table flower arrangements and books will be given away and fun entertainment will follow the meal. Our guest entertainment for our final luncheon of the season is Time Travelers, a ladies a cappella singing group performing a variety of music including folk, pop, jazz and ditties from the 60s. This group has been singing together for 20 years drawing its members from the towns of Grantham, Sunapee and Andover.
The WCA Red Barn is located at 64 Village Road next to the Wilmot Post Office in Wilmot Flat. Parking is available in the WCA’s upper parking lot, the Wilmot Baptist Church and across the street.
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