
Election day hotline results

CONCORD — New Hampshire Attorney General Gordon J. MacDonald announces the attorney general’s election day operations’ report following town election day on March 12.

The attorney general’s office operated the election hotline with a team of two attorneys and several staff members while five investigators were deployed to polling locations across the state to observe election operations and provide assistance to local election officials.  

The attorney general’s election hotline received 32 inquiries during the March 12 election day. The hotline received 29 additional calls before and after election day, bringing the weekly total hotline inquiries to 61. Routine issues and concerns were quickly remedied with support from investigators in the field or attorneys on the election hotline.

As a result of some inquiries, the unit opened four cases in response to complaints alleging illegal campaign activity and one case alleging election official misconduct.

The attorney general’s election day operations were led by Assistant Attorney General Matthew Broadhead and Chief Investigator Richard Tracy of the Election Law Unit.

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