
Chief Parsons urges respect for GVS staff

GRANTHAM — While my usual communications are a mix of facts as well as frivolity, I must, unfortunately, strike a more serious tone this time around. 

The Grantham Police Department has seen an uptick in reported incidents involving residents and GVS staff. These have occurred at bus stops, inside GVS, as well as the GVS parking lot. 

The negative treatment of GVS staff by members of our community is rather disheartening, to say the absolute least. Every staff member, from teachers to bus drivers, custodial staff to para-educators, has the job of looking after the safety of all students. 

Treating our school employees with disrespectful language or actions does not send the appropriate message to our children. If one has an issue with something that is occurring at a bus stop, or on the grounds of GVS, take the matter up with the appropriate administrative staff. Do not let your “message” be drowned out through sarcastic or foul comments.

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