DUMMERSTON, Vt. — On March 23 at 12:34 p.m. state troopers were dispatched from the Westminster Barracks to a reported family fight at 2 Sunset Lake Road in Williamsville, Vermont. While en route, Cpl. Brian Turner stopped the male party involved on US Route 5 in Dummerston. The male was identified as Blaine Kennett, 31, of Claremont. Investigation into the family fight found that Kennett was in violation of conditions of release for a prior domestic assault charge and four previous violations of conditions of release. Kennett is also alleged to have entered into the home of Kelsey Rice, a prior girlfriend, in Williamsville, Vermont. This was reported to have occurred at approximately 1 a.m. and he stayed at the house until 7 a.m. before leaving. When Kennett returned around noon, Rice called 911 and reported Kennett to the State Police. Kennett was lodged at the Southern State Correctional Facility for lack of $1,000 cash bail. He will appear in Vermont Superior Court, Windham Division on March 25 at 12:30 p.m. to answer the charges of unlawful trespass and two counts of violating conditions of release.
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