
Bellows Falls Woman’s Club sponsor art show at high school

BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. — Members of the Bellows Falls Woman’s Club will gather at Bellows Falls Union High School on April 9 for the annual club sponsored arts show. Members should arrive by 11:30 a.m. but not before to view the art in several mediums and the quilts which will be on display. The Club Favorite piece of art and a quilt will be voted on by the members. A luncheon provided by the Family and Consumer Science students will be served at noon. Following the meal, club members will go to the auditorium for the awarding of prizes for art and the quilts. Ribbons for honorable mention, third, second, and first prizes in the prejudged art will be given by the club, along with a monetary award for the Club Favorites. The band and chorus will entertain the members with selections. The club gives an honorarium to the Family and Consumer Science, band, and choral music departments. The art show has been an annual club sponsored project for over forty years.

Tom Fontaine was the speaker at the March 12 meeting. He is a teacher at Kurn Hattin and has written and published three books of historical fiction for middle school students. Tom gave a snapshot of his personal life growing up and living in and near Bellows Falls, before retelling the story of the subject of his first book, a native Grafton boy who served in the Civil War as messenger boy.

During the business meeting, details about the May 5 High Tea event were outlined. It will take place at the Masonic Temple from 3 to 5 p.m. Tickets at $20 each will be available at Village Square Booksellers. There will be a raffle of gift bags of certificates and local products, with the drawing to be held at the club’s final meeting of the year, May 14. Members signed up to help with the various committees for the tea. Proceeds will underwrite the high school scholarship given by the club.

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