
School Nutrition Day educates Vermont lawmakers about today’s school meals

MONTPELIER, Vt. — Dozens of school nutrition directors, advocates and Hunger Council members spent the day at the Vermont Statehouse on March 19 to let legislators know that eating is elementary to education and that school meals are an important component of student success.

“SNA-Vermont members from around the state came to the Capitol in Montpelier yesterday to demonstrate the deep commitment we hold to feeding the bodies and the minds of Vermont’s school children. We want our legislators to understand how important School Nutrition is to student success. School Nutrition Day gave us the opportunity to meet our legislators, testify before a number of Committees about issues concerning School Nutrition, and to invite our representatives to visit a school in their district on April 8th to experience the great meals we provide every day.” Bob Hildebrand, food service director for The Abbey Group and president of School Nutrition Association of Vermont.

Farm to School has been a successful program that has helped schools incorporate local foods into their meals, as well as to move toward universal school meals and breakfast after the bell. Universal school meals mean that every student can eat at school every day — the cafeteria becomes a money-free zone that is welcoming and stress free for students and staff.

“There is no better way to expand Farm to School in Vermont than through addressing food access and school nutrition through our partnerships. We were excited to be part of School Nutrition Day and our FTS programming benefits greatly from the support of the VT Legislature.” — Abbie Nelson, NOFA-VT & Vermont FEED

Participants also invited legislators to share a school meal on April 8. “It was inspiring to see so many Hunger Council members, school meal providers, and parents sharing with their legislators that eating is elementary to education and that every student should be able to eat at school every day, states Anore Horton, Hunger Free Vermont’s executive director.”We are excited for April 8, when over 30 legislators who have accepted invitations from their constituents, will join them at their local school for lunch or breakfast, so they can experience the value and potential of school meals firsthand.”

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