Newport Circuit Court

March 28

NEWPORT — The following cases were heard in Newport Circuit Court during the two-week period ending March 23:

Jenna Kemp, 18, 4 Pine St., Newport, failed to appear to answer a charge of driving after revocation or suspension Dec. 12 in Goshen and the case was defaulted to the New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicles.

John P. Devillars, 69, 67 Chestnut St., Boston, was found guilty to speeding 102 mph on Interstate 89 in New London Sept. 27, was fined $500 with $250 suspended for six months and his privilege to operate in New Hampshire suspended for 30 days.

Ross E. Cope, 190 Twistback Road, Claremont, pleaded no contest to speeding 45 mph in a 35 mph zone Sept. 10 in Lempster and was fined $62.

Nicholas A. Perez, 57, 115 French Road, Sutton, pleaded guilty to driving while intoxicated, second or third offense, Jan. 1 in New London, was fined $750 and his license revoked for three years. He was sentenced to serve 17 days in the Sullivan County House of Corrections with 12 days suspended.

Dylon M. Metcalf, 24, 195 Winter St., Claremont, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence Feb. 10 in Newport, was fined $500 and his license revoked for nine months.

Chris Rudolph, 44, 65 Cilleyville Road, Andover, pleaded innocent to driving after suspension Aug. 26 in New London, an administrative finding of guilty was handed down and he was fined $250.

Laurie Guidry, 60. Newbury, leaded innocent to operating a non-registered vehicle Aug. 30 in Newport, was found guilty and fined $124.

Two charges against Aaron Quimby, 27, 20 Hale St., Apartment 11, Newport, were withdrawn. They included domestic violence (false imprisonment) and violation of probation, both in Newport. He pleaded guilty to violation of probation July 14 in Newport and was sentenced 60 days in the HOC with 57 days suspended and given credit for three days of pretrial confinement. Quimby pleaded guilty to simple assault, physical contact Oct. 22 in Newport and was sentenced to 12 months in the HOC, deferred to March 21,2020. He pleaded guilty to criminal threatening in Newport and was sentenced to 12 months in the HOC, deferred to March 19, 2020.

Jessica L. Hayes, 26, 141 Hanover St., No. 2, Claremont, failed to appear to answer a charge of disorderly conduct Jan. 5 in Newport and the case was defaulted to the New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicles.

Jasmine Kobel, 19, 58 Spofford St., Apt. 5, Claremont, failed to appear to answer a charge of criminal mischief Jan. 5 in Newport and the charge was defaulted to the New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicles.

Ashley A. Widmer, 27, 32-4 Riverbend Drive, Newport, pleaded guilty to driving with excessive alcohol concentration, was fined $500 and her license revoked for nine months. A charge of driving while intoxicated was dismissed. She pleaded guilty to conduct after an accident and was fined $300, suspended for one year on good behavior.

Gregory D. Auch, 48, Grantham, pleaded guilty to driving while intoxicated Dec. 21 in New London, was fined $500 and his license revoked for 12 months. A charge of transportation of alcoholic beverages was placed on file without a finding. A charge of aggravated driving while intoxicated was withdrawn.

Melissa A. Dame, 44, 224 Reeds Mill Road, Newport, pleaded guilty to speeding 70 mph in a 30 mph zone July 26 in Sunapee and was fined $600.

Carl E. Gaudreault, 47. 18 West St., Newport, pleaded innocent to willful concealment, theft, at Irving/Circle K, Newport, Oct. 18, was found guilty and fined $200. He was charged with removing Java Monster from the premises valued at $2.99.

Nicholas M. Elhardt, 27, 127 Laurel St., Newport, pleaded guilty to driving after revocation/suspension Jan. 19 in Newport an was fined $250.

Riley R. Clayton, 19, 378 Maple St., Newport, pleaded guilty to driving while intoxicated Feb. 10 in Newport, was fined $500 and his license revoked for one year.

Joseph C. Bolieiro, 18, 139 Elm St., Newport, pleaded guilty to transportation of alcoholic beverages while under the age of 21 Dec. 16 in Newport and was fined $150.

A charge of speeding 49 mph in a 25 mph zone Oct. 1 in New London against Brendan D. Akpan, 18, 7 Sugar House Road, Springfield, N.H., was withdrawn.

Damien Sevene, 33, 141 Hanover St., Claremont, failed to appear to answer a charge of disobeying a police officer in Newport and the charge was defaulted to the New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicles.

Ryan W. Sturtevant, 41, 27 Sunshine Court, Newport, pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct Nov. 12 in Newport and was fined $200 suspended for one year on good behavior.

Helen L. Powell, 31, 1138 Brook Road, Goshen, pleaded innocent to domestic violence (simple assault), Feb. 14 in Newport and the charge was placed on file without a finding. She was found guilty of criminal trespass in Newport, was fined $400 with $300 suspended for one year on good behavior.

Elizabeth C. Castello, 39, 493 Four Corners Road, Springfield, N.H., pleaded guilty to driving or operating under the influence of drugs or liquor Dec. 7 in New London, was fined $750 and her license revoked for 12 months. Charges of transportation of alcoholic beverages, highway markings, driving or operating under the influence of drugs or liquor, subsequent offense, and aggravated driving while intoxicated were withdrawn.

Sarah E. Laros, 30, 3 Union St., Apt. 4, Windsor, pleaded guilty to driving after suspension or revocation, subsequent offense, Feb. 20 in Newport, and was fined $500.

A charge of driving after revocation or suspension Oct. 15 in Sunapee against Liang Xu, 27, 221 Union St., Springfield, Vt., was withdrawn.

Waldo J. Woodard, Newport, pleaded innocent to operating a non-inspected vehicle July 26 in Sunapee, an administrative finding of guilty was handed down and he was fined $60.

Ronald D. Fisher, 59, 15 Emily Lane, Newbury, pleaded guilty to reckless driving Aug. 10 in Newbury, was fined $500 and his licensed revoked for 60 days.

Christopher L. Blanchard, 29, 930 Olive St., Springfield, Vt., pleaded no contest to speeding 50 mph in a 35 mph zone in Sunapee, was found guilty and fined $93.

Charlene Kainu, 47, 20 Hale St., Apt. 5, Newport, pleaded no contest to spillage of material in Newport; driving with a load of snow on her vehicle that was not prevented from dropping, was found guilty and fined $50. A charge of negligent driving, failing to clean excessive snow and ice off the roof and front of a vehicle prior to driving on the roadway was withdrawn.

A charge of bail jumping Feb. 6 in Newport against Travis J. Richardson, 35, 524 Sunapee St., Newport, was withdrawn. He pleaded guilty to deceptive business practices in New London, was fined $1,200, suspended for two years and ordered to make restitution in the amount of $700.

Edwin Steel, 61, 233 Elkins Road, Elkins, pleaded guilty to breach of bail conditions and was sentenced to 60 days in the HOC, suspended. Charges of driving or operating under the influence of drug or liquor Sept. 5 in New London and transportation of alcoholic beverages were withdrawn.

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