
Weathersfield fire issue isn’t extinguished yet

Galen A. Crandall Jr.
Perkinsville, Vt.
To the editor,

The idea of a Town of Weathersfield municipal fire department exists only in the minds of Town Manager Ed Morris and chair of the select board Kelly Murphy and some of the select board. They may think up any number of excuses why their plan to take over control of the town’s two volunteer fire departments failed. The actual reason is the folks did not want the added taxpayer expense of a full time paid fire chief nor did they want the politicians controlling the two volunteer fire departments. I’ve yet to hear of any death, injuries, bad fire fighting, wrong accident assists, or unhappy ambulance assisted calls. It appears by the vote most Weathersfielders are satisfied with the service they’ve had for so many years. That doesn’t mean the politicians will give up their quest for control, as they have tried before. The lack of a fall-back provision for funding the two departments indicated that the powers to be did not intend it to be needed. 

The fire commission question is a red herring, to distract the folks while the “powers” come up with another plan. The commission was originally set up to improve communication between the two departments. Select board chair Murphy now states that it was supposed to be an advisory panel for the select board but it lacked authority except for submitting a budget for the departments. More “authority” is the drive by chair Murphy.

I believe now is the time for the town manager and select board their attention to the fact the town has not had a clean audit for at least the past two years. Two years ago auditors pointed out that the towns fund are open to “misappropriation” and some “balances” were incorrect. The auditors stated a major deficiency is the lack of a “manual” that would provide means and methods for handling funds and responsibility assignments. Town Manager Ed Morris assured, by letter, that he would work to correct the lack of a manual. It has not happened. Town funds remain at risk. 

Incidentally, the town report stated the audit was on line to be viewed. I tried, I could not find it.


Galen A. Crandall Jr. 

Perkinsville, Vt.

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