
What about local talent?

Richard Nelson
To the editor,

On March 19, I read an article in the Eagle Times from Wayne McElreavy about all the managers that Claremont hired to run our city. Sixteen in 71 years. Only two of them lived in Claremont all the time. Don’t we have people in our city government that can interview people for these jobs? Don’t we have people that have the intelligence to run this city? How much money have we spent on different people and committees to consult for different positions in our government?

Every time we read about somebody getting fired, we don’t have the story. Too much secrecy behind the doors so the people don’t have the whole story. No more meetings behind closed doors!

Example: when the school was looking for an athletic director, we had one here. So instead, they got a guy from out of state. How did that work out? Don’t keep voting the same people back in office — new blood. Stop giving our money away on consultant fees.


Richard Nelson


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