
Construction update for I-91 bridge over Williams River

ROCKINGHAM, Vt. — I-91 northbound and southbound is reduced to one lane with no shoulders within the construction zone. I-91 northbound motorists should be aware of merging ramp traffic entering the roadway. Please use caution!

On Monday, April 15 at 7 a.m. the northbound on ramp of Exit 6 on I-91 will be closing for two weeks while the ramp is reconstructed to its original grade. All motorists will follow a signed detoured on Route 5 north to the Exit 7 northbound on ramp. The ramp is anticipated to be opened up on April 26 at which time all traffic will be switched over to the new I-91 northbound bridge.

I-91 bridge activities: Monday thru Friday: Continue form work for Pier #3 southbound footing; continue to excavate and remove ledge at Pier #2 SB cofferdam; continue various items for the completion of the NB Bridge to include the installation of the deck membrane and concrete curb on the bridge corners; continue maintenance of traffic control devices, due to weather.

Call Stephanie Barrett with any questions or concerns regarding this project at 802-862-6085 or 866-602-6868.

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