CONCORD — As New Hampshire taxpayers prepare for Tax Day on April 15, the Department of Revenue Administration (NHDRA) is launching a series of educational sessions in collaboration with select chambers of commerce offering tax education and support for businesses. Held throughout the state, these educational sessions supplement NHDRA’s online taxpayer guides and phone assistance program.
“The New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration is committed to assisting taxpayers with their needs, and we approach tax season in an ‘all hands on deck’ manner,” said NHDRA Commissioner Lindsey Stepp. “We are known for our prompt taxpayer call center service and have detailed online resources for all taxes we administer. We are excited to be partnering with select chambers of commerce this year for our first-ever, in-person tax education sessions.”
As a resource for one of New Hampshire’s largest taxpayer groups, NHDRA will travel to chambers across the state to provide educational sessions for business owners. In each session, NHDRA will provide an overview of various taxes business owners pay, such as business profits tax, business enterprise tax and meals and rooms tax. They will address when and how to file and pay, highlight tax year form changes, share recent relevant legislative changes, discuss common filing errors and provide direction on additional support resources. Each session will also include a question and answer portion for attendees.
The following chambers of commerce will be providing NHDRA’s tax education session to its members:
Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce — (603) 792-4100
Wednesday, March 20, from 3:30 to 5 pm at the Manchester Chamber
Greater Keene Chamber of Commerce — (603) 352-1303
Tuesday, April 2, from 9 to 10 am at the Hannah Grimes Center
Hanover Area Chamber of Commerce (603) 643-3115 and Lebanon Area Chamber of Commerce (603) 448-1203
Wednesday, April 3, from 8 to 9 am at River Valley College’s Lebanon Academic Center
Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce — (603) 224-2508
Friday, April 5, from 8 to 9 a.m. at the Concord Chamber
Chamber sessions are open to their respective members and will be of particular interest to those business owners who have limited support during the filing process. Members of the chambers of commerce listed above should contact their chamber representative with specific questions.
Filing Tips
NHDRA identified top filing tips for taxpayers based on common filing errors during tax season in years prior:
Ensure you are using the correct tax year form and that all pages are present.
Ensure you are consistent in the order you and your spouse are listed on your Interest & Dividends return from year to year.
Ensure all required schedules or federal pages are attached.
Do not file a paper return if you have already filed though NHDRA’s Modernized e-File (MeF) system.
Beware of the increased occurrence of phishing and other fraudulent criminal activity, which tends to increase during tax filing season. If you receive a communication that purports to be from the NHDRA and you question its legitimacy, please contact us directly.
To access forms and instructions by tax type, visit
Ways to file and pay
E-File — Electronically file and pay taxes on the NHDRA website by clicking the e-file icon. Payments can be made by credit card or directly from your bank. The NHDRA is able to accept cards with a Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discovery designation, including debit cards, credit cards, and cryptocards.
MeF — File returns electronically utilizing numerous well-known commercial software vendors. A full list of authorized vendors can be found on the Forms Page of the NHDRA website.
Mail or hand deliver your return form and payment to the NHDRA in accordance with the form’s instructions.
For taxpayer resources online, visit To reach the Taxpayer Services Division by phone, call (603) 230-5000 (select option 6).
To learn more about NHDRA, please visit
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