Fifty North Street School students presented a scaled-down version of Lionel Bart’s play “Oliver” at Stevens High School under the direction of Katherine Ellis. When Patricia Marro, in the title role, sang, “Where is Love.” Her question was answered by applause from the audience of about 350. Other principal roles were taken by Mary Roberts, William Mason, Cynthia Hackett, Curtis and Joseph Madeja, Laura Hanson, Sara Dunham, Connie Benham, Sue Ann Tetreault, Danny Combs and Linda Clark. Assisting Ellis were Mary Bell, Ruth Messer and Carl Rouillard along with Connie Murray, scenery, Shirley Cooligan, choreography and Arline Marro, costumes and props.
Carol Travers Lummus, a resident of Cornish, has been invited to display her etchings at the Library Arts Center in Newport.
The Newport Hospital Auxiliary will make its plans for a benefit dinner at the Woodbine Cottage at its meeting at the Library Arts Center. Mrs. Oliver Drown, president, and Mrs. Mauice Bickford, thrift shop chairwoman, will report on their trip to Boston for the New England Hospital Assembly. Eleese Conroy, RN and Kathy Cummings LPN, will offer an educational program on CPR. Refreshments will be served by Mrs. John Lee and Mrs. Neil Buffett.
Three teams of two students each from Claremont Junior High School and Plainfield School joined Cornish students for a Current Events quiz. Team members were Kim DeVoillers, Dale Braley, Stuart Wilkie, Russell Balch, Willow Stewart and John McSwain from Cornish; Mark Chamberlain, Susan Stockwell, Penny Forrest, Kirk Hutchins, Nelson Rooker and Walter Steenbergen from Claremont, and Dale Cherriet, Brenda Darling, Lawrence O’Tool, Richard Reed, Sherrie Mason and Joan Freeman of Plainfield. Faculty members assisting were Daniel Budd, Claremont; Steven Beaupre, Plainfield, and Alice Hendrick, Beverly Morrison and Daniel Poor, Cornish.
Spec. 5 (USMC) and Mrs. Stephen J. Barton, Seaside, Calif., arrived home last week and are visiting their respective parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O. Barton, Dunbar Hill Road, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hastings, North Grantham. Spec. Barton will be attending classes in Maryland for three months before reassignment.
Mr. and Mrs. John Newton and children, John Jr., Jeffrey, Paul, Stephanie and William, of Concord, Mass., spent the weekend with Mrs. Newton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Orrok, Eastman. They were joined on Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. James Orrok, Goshen.
Walter Kidder was honored by the Charlestown Fire Dept. and Old No. 4 Hose Company Auxiliary on the occasion of his retirement as head of the department. At a supper at the high school cafeteria, he and Mrs. Kidder were presented with gifts of photographic supplies, life membership in the State Firemen’s Association and a money belt containing 40 silver dollars. Mrs. Kidder was presented a corsage and pin by the Auxiliary.
The Claremont Steelworkers Union sponsored a Dixieland Minstrel Show for two nights at the Opera House to benefit the Claremont Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation. Rene LaCasse served as general chairman with Charles Emond as stage manager. Assisting were Sandra Roy, Donna Seeley, Kathleen Denis, Donat Gagne, Henry Bruno, James Jarvis, Zeke Small, Willie Gagne, Albert Theroux, Rod Miller, Norman Craite, Laurette Riviezzo, Gloria Derosier, Arlene Pinard and Nancy Mills.
George W. Brown of Amherst, formerly of Claremont, has been appointed campaign chairman for Mrs. Doloris Bridges, Republican candidate for the United States Senate seat held by her late husband Styles Bridges. The 56-year old Brown owned and operated the Colonial Hotel for several years and was a member of the Claremont School Board and the Lions Club.
Donald Rollins was guest of honor at a birthday party held at his home Saturday. His guests were Sherman Hawkins, Robert Hunt Jr., Jerry Hood, David MacIntosh, Michael Parker and Fred Auclair. Donnie was eight-years old.
The Grantham Volunteer Fire Department answered a call for a chimney fire to the home of Ronald Hastings on Thursday.
Victor and Marilyn Swenson are now making their home with Mrs. Clifford Swenson in Claremont.
The Bookmobile visited the library and the Grantham schools on Thursday.
Mrs. Hugh Reney is the local chairman for the annual Red Cross Drive.
Richard McAllister placed first among eight Towle High School juniors who participated in the 58th Annual Fairbanks Junior Prize Speaking Contest. Other winners were John Lord, second place; Paul Dodge, third; and Wendell Descoteau, honorable mention. Acting as judges were Miss Judith Ohr, Colby Junior College; Carroll G. Holt, Stevens High School; Mrs. Walter Bartlett, and Edward O’Sullivan, Newport Junior High School. Bonnie Whitney acted as master of ceremonies. Other contestants were Betsy Hackwell, Priscilla Warburton, Brenda Wallace and Lance Kozikowski. Thomas Rouillard was faculty chairman.
A testimonial dinner was held at the Colonial Hotel in honor of Benjamin H. Roberts, who retires from his duties after 46 years of active service with the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company. There were 168 telephone friends and associates present, along with Mr. Roberts’ sister. Mrs. Byron E. Stevens, who journeyed from New York to be present. After a delicious dinner the guests were led in group singing by Edward W. Cook and Edward O. Schmiedel and entertainment was introduced by Don I. Nichols. The Amphion quartet composed of Henry C. Hawkins Jr., Richard Hawkins, Fred M. Alexander and Reginald R. Smith sang several selections. Mrs. V.M. Spaulding, Harland Taylor, Miss Shirley L. Denny and Abby B. Cairnie also performed.
Three registered Holstein Friestan cows in the dairy herd of Leonard R. Haubrich Jr. have completed official production records in a herd test of more than 400 pounds of butterfat. The highest producer was Ada Ormsby Walker with a record that is nearly two and one-half times the production of the average dairy cow in this nation. Testing was supervised by the University of New Hampshire in cooperation with the Holstein-Friesian Association.
Nearly 190 persons were served at the public baked ham supper served by the Mr. and Mrs. Club of the Methodist Church in Howe Memorial Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fitch and Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Johnson were in charge of the kitchen, and Mr. and Mrs. Merton Fletcher supervised the dining room. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Couture were ticket chairmen.
Mrs. J.F. Lovejoy substituted at the Flat school for Mrs. Elbert Barton, who was ill. Those getting 100 in arithmetic this week are Walter and Shirley Perrault, Harold and Janice Morse, Barbara Brooks, Kenneth Warren, Wayne Spencer, Elbert Bannister, Eugene Crosby, Ramona Arnold, Gordon Gagnon, Kathleen Adams, Robert Bean and Edward Thibodeau.
Men and trucks constantly raced from Newport’s fire station yesterday as an epidemic of chimney blazes swept the town. The first bell alarm of 1947 rang in at 10 a.m. at the home of George Hoy on the far end of Maple Street Extension. No sooner had the trucks regassed than a second call came in from East Unity where Alexander Miller was having a like difficulty with his chimney. The third call came in at 6:45 from 144 Maple St. from Oiba Kainu and the fourth from Howard Smith at his Oak Street home.
Cecil Fisk and Franklin Wright of UVM, Miss Helen Cushing of Plymouth Norman School, Charles Barrett of the International College of Springfield, Mass., and Paul McNamara of NYU have been at their respective homes for the Easter holidays.
At the last meeting of the Elmwood Rebekah Lodge, Miss Catherine Snow and the Misses Helen and Mildred Streeter were admitted to membership.
Miss Ruth Chenorowsky of Milwaukee, Wis., is visiting Miss Marian King at her home at 254 Pleasant St. Both women are instructors at Wheaton College, Norton, Mass., Miss Chenorowsky in spoken English and Miss King in music. They will return to Norton at the end of the spring vacation.
Mrs. Marcel Conway of Barre, Vt., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Densmore of West Claremont, won signal honors at the annual indoor horse show at Fort Ethan Allen, Burlington, being awarded a large silver cup by capturing first place in ladies’ horsemanship competition.
The Young Russian Orthodox Christian Association held its fourth meeting Monday night. The following officers were elected: President, George Spasmik; vice president, Mary Skill; secretary, Wanda Kuzmick; treasurer, Frances Anfronik; reporters, Rita Lasky and Peter Baker.
The Condon Stores, owned and operated by John J. Condon, are among the leaders in the retail meat and provision dealers in this section of New Hampshire. Mr. Condon established his first store in 1906, opened the fish market in 1916, and in 1920 opened the Newport Provision Store. Recently he moved his fish department to the store located in the Cheney Block.
Newport’s tax rate for 1932 will approximate that of 1931, the savings in budget effected by the annual town meeting being offset by the increased assessment for county tax voted by the county convention. The following were elected to office: Jesse R. Rowell, selectman; Harry Jameson, clerk; Carl Johnson, treasurer; Herman Cutts, road agent.
Last week we wrote of the heavy snowfall and that it was almost impossible to get out because of so much snow. Thursday there came as much rain, thawing the snow and making rivers of almost all our roads. Many of them were impassable. A large force of men has been working ever since.
Mr. Heller, the mill man, who has been boarding at Edmund Johnson’s, is now boarding at Mr. Branch’s.
Carroll Abbott is spending his vacation with friends and relatives in Vermont.
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