Kristina Snyder
To the editor,
Thank you to the Eagle Times for writing a story about trapping and state wildlife departments.
At the heart of the NH Citizens Against Recreational Trapping (#NHCART) group that I am a part of, is a movement to expose and educate about recreational trapping. That is not nuisance trapping or wildlife control operators. These are trappers that trap where animals are not bothering anyone! Recreational trappers will trap animals because they like doing it, there is no other reason. Trapping is just a hobby and tradition by their own words.
The only issue I have with Miss New Hampshire is that the organization works with trappers and accepts this fur coat every year made from trapped and tortured New Hampshire wildlife. I think it is unnecessary and a throwback to a tradition that started before any of the current contestants were even born. I have no problem being supportive of the organization if it walks away from this antiquated tradition. It helps several young women with scholarships and doing good in the communities they are from.
It really is simple for me and supporters of NHCART. It is all about the act of trapping. The act that these animals are held in these traps for hours, frightened and scared. Paws are chewed off, predation happens on the trapline, and non targets animals, (cats, dogs, protected species) get trapped.. Any ecological benefit that trappers say they perform is extremely subjective and should be taken with many grains of salt.
Kristina Snyder
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