Photo Caption—Members of the Business and Industry Fair Committee met recently to make plans. From left are Barry Dixon, Joel Bass, James Hadeka, Louis LaRiccia, Frank Wisinski, Ray Keating, Mary Abbot, Roger Maynard and Joseph Gorman Jr.
Lana Whipple, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Whipple, Claremont, observed her 10th birthday April 9 with a family party at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Whipple, Page Hill, Newport. Attending were her parents, her sister, Laurie, and brother, Allen; Mr. and Mrs. Carey Whipple and children, Christine and Carey; Mrs. Rodney Whipple and children, Rodney, Paul, Elizabeth, Michael and Kristian, West Springfield and Louis Whipple, Newport.
Sullivan Countuy may have a United Way by Sept. 1, according to Robert Wertkin, a member of an ad hoc committee that has been studying the need for a United Way. Committee members said at a press conference at the Goodwin Community Center that if interested human service organizations joined the United Way they could reduce their fund-rising expenses, and there would be less competition for available funds. Fourteen of the 27 human service agencies serving Sullivan County have indicated they might be “appropriately served by a local combined campaign.
Kenneth David Ripley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ripley, North Newport, observed his 10th birthday recently with a family party at his home. Guests who attended were his sisters, Lisa Ripley and a friend from Rochester; Mr. and Mrs. Al Tibbetts, Farmington; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Charlebois and children, Robbie, Nicole and Christen, and Mrs. and Mrs. David Byers and children, David and Jody, Croydon.
Mrs. Edwin Hunt, regent of Reprisal Chapter DAR, was at Towle School April 16 to present certificates to sixth-grade students Aaron Richer, Ellen Brown, Jodi Davidson, Annette Sclafani and Steve Haselton, who recently submitted essays on “Growing Up in Colonial Times,” a contest sponsored by the DAR.
Mary Elizabeth Sartwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Sartwell, 138 Maple St., has been accepted at New Hampshire Vocational College, Claremont, where she plans to study under the medical assistant program. She is a senior at Newport High School.
Mrs. William Morrow, a member of the Newport Garden Club, received four awards, including the New Hampshire Federation of Garden Clubs Sprig Flower Show in the Manchester Armory. Mrs. Walter Young, another Newport Garden Club member, received an honorable mention in the artistic design class. Twelve members of the Newport Intermediate Garden Club attended the show. They were Sandy Demeis, Melissa Morrow, Lisa Durgin, Pamela Hirtle, Amy Ronan, Trisha Fisher, Susan Gardner, Kelly Rochford, Janet Johnson, Colleen Hallock, Karen Bradley and Brenda Valcourt. They were accompanied by Mrs. Richard Wentzell, Mrs. Arthur Demeis and Mrs. Raymond Durgin.
Officers elected at the annual meeting of the Sunapee Fire Department were William McCloskey, clerk and treasurer; Corliss Abbott, first lieutenant of Engine 1; David Svenson, second lieutenant of Engine 1; Donald Osgood, first lieutenant of Engine 2; Steven LaDuke, second lieutenant of Engine 2; Joseph Parenteau. First lieutenant of tanker 4; Wilfred Gonyo, first lieutenant of Ladder 5; Ronald Hand, second lieutenant of Ladder 5; Dexter Collins Jr., captain of Engine 3; Larry Lussier, first lieutenant of Engine 3; Gary Dashner, second lieutenant of Engine 3; and Richard Ruggles, clerk and Larry Lussier, treasurer.
John Gosselin, Sunapee industrial arts teacher, took a trip April 17 with four members of the senior class, Liz Kramer, Paul Duling, Rich Krajcik and Karla Engelstad, to Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston for an energy conference.
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Philbrick, Sanborn Hill Road, April 16 were Mr. Philbrick’s sister, Christine Morgan and Mrs. Morgan’s daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sawyer, Nashua. On April 17, Mr. Philbrick’s nephew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Philbrick, Londonderry, were visitors.
Dr. Sandra Shaw and daughter, Jennifer, Lawrence, Kan., have been recent guests of Dr. Shaw’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cote, Dunbar Hill Road.
Mrs. Glenn Hudson and Mrs. John Matthewman, Eastman, are serving as Grantham chairmen of the 1978 Heart Fund Drive.
Joining Mr. and Mrs. William Morse on Easter Sunday after services at the United Methodist Church were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jacobus, Reading, Mass., Mr. and Mrs. “Tex” Austin and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Bush, all of Sunapee.
Jeffrey Hendrick, a student at the University of New Hampshire, Durham, spent the holiday weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roe Hendrick, Prospect Hill Road.
Artwork of three Claremont high school boys will be judged in a district show in Lebanon. The boys were prizewinners in a Claremont Woman’s Club show held at Goodwin Community Center. Winners of first, second and third prizes, respectively, were Joseph Lambert, 96 Sullivan St., Michael Brodeur, 40 Goyette Ave., and Richard Therrien, Twistback Road. Their work represented a variety of media.
The Claremont Woman’s Club met April 18 in Trinity Parish House with other area clubs attending in a “reciprocity” meeting. Mrs. Edgar Lord presided at the business meeting. A nominating committee was appointed to bring in recommendations for a slate of officers at the next meeting. The chairman is Mrs. Robert Stevens and other members include Mrs. William Stuart, Mrs. T. Winston Keating, Mrs. Henry Yaffa, and Mrs. Orrien Reid.
Photo Caption—A new IGA Supermarket was opened in Claremont yesterday by Gerard Bellavance, owner and manager, shown above in the dairy section of the renovated store in quarters on Pleasant Street, formerly occupied by the First National. Bellavance reported this morning “a very good first day—right up to our expectations.”
Remi Gendron of 158 Elm St., is a member of the Junior Gardening Committee of the National Projects Committee of the Men’s Garden Club of America.
The Claremont Lions Club presented certificates of appreciation Monday night to John Dixon and Robert G. Schneider. Both were honored for their help and donations to the club for the annual gift and fruit basket program for Sullivan County Home patients.
Photo Caption—Music for plants was described to St. Mary High School students by school junior James Lambert at a Science fair Tuesday. His project, “The Effects of a Musical Sound on the Growth of Plants,” won a first prize and the right to exhibit at the State Science Fair next month in Plymouth.
George M. Emmerton, a New Hampshire State Trooper who has resided in North Newport for the past seven years, was named the 1964 Newport Winter Carnival chairman Monday. The organizational meeting was conducted by Louis Willett, president of the Winter Carnival Corporation. New directors elected to the corporation were Jesse Scott, Edwin Narus, Robert Gould, William Krajecki, Norman Lacroix, Elihu Budd and Leslie Pike. Other directors are Leonard Perkinson, Paul Benner, Ralph Benson, Arthur Bergeron and Richard Carlson.
Photo Caption—Newport Memorial Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, installed officers at its meeting April 4 in the Veterans Club. Left to right, front row, Luther Baker, junior vice commander; Robert Clark, commander; Leon Linton, senior vice commander, and Urho Kivisto, adjutant. Back, Howard Hutchinson, trustee; Arnold Greenleaf, quartermaster pro tem; William Hoy, chaplain; John Wheeler, judge advocate, and Raymond Johnson, trustee.
A public hearing on the proposed reconstruction of Route 10 from Newport Junior High School to the Croydon Bridge will take place in Newport Town Hall May 9. State Highway Department engineers this week estimated that the two and three-quarter mile project would cost approximately $450,000, half of which will be paid by the Federal government and half by the State. A tentative timetable, subject to many variations, would have the project completed in November, 1963.
Photo Caption—Displaying their finesse with batons in the Newport Junior High program will be, left to right, front row, Terry Ploss, Rebecca Viger and Barbara Putnam. Back row, Mary Kanakis, Rona Lantas, Beverly Teague and Janis Smith.
Advertisement—Now playing at the Newport Latchis Theater: Glenn Ford and Bette Davis in “Pocketful of Miracles” and Doris Day and Rex Harrison in “Midnight Lace.’
Almon Clark was re-elected chief of the Lempster Fire Dept. at the annual supper meeting April 3. Other officers elected were Henry Hoyt, captain; Warren Heiser, first lieutenant; Frank Pitman Jr., second lieutenant and Norman Pollard, secretary and treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Loverin and Their son, Donald; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hudson and their son, Darrel; Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Burney and Mr. and Mrs. Verne C. Morse attended the open house at Consolidated Foods in Nashua Sunday.
Miss Harriet Reed returned to the University of New Hampshire after spending the spring vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Reed.
Dennis George returned to Pease Air Force Base, Newington, April 14, after a 21-day leave, which he spent at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. George.
Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Crowninshield were in Claremont Friday and also visited Mrs. Sophie Thornton in Newport.
Lewis Dunnells was elected chief of the Volunteer Fire Department at the annual meeting, which took place April 2 at the Fire Station. He succeeds Arthur Carver who submitted his resignation after serving as chief for eight years. Mr. Carver urged the establishment of the local fire department and was responsible for much of its growth. Other officers elected were Francis Blain, president; Alfred Cote, assistant chief; Everett Reney treasurer, and Ernest Shepard, secretary.
Attendance and income records were surpassed for the second consecutive year when Mt. Sunapee shut down its ski lifts for the season Sunday night, Manager Richard D. Parker said this week. An estimated 100,850 skiers, an increase of about 2,000 from a year ago, visited Sunapee during its most successful season of operation. In a season which started last Dec. 21, gross income climbed to $271,287, a 1 percent increase over $268,122 a year ago. The heavy snows of February brought in record income.
Ronald Kozikowski, who has served as a Croydon selectman for four and one-half years, resigned from the board Friday. The resignation was prompted by Mr. Kozikowski’s need to devote full time to his studies at the New Hampshire Technical Institute, Manchester, he said.
Paul McIntosh, a student at the University of New Hampshire is spending his spring vacation working for Green Acres Ice Cream Inc.
W.W. Chase is spending his spring vacation from Webster Academy, Webster, Mass., at the home of Mrs. Charles Almneder.
Deanna Lussier observed her birthday at a party in her honor.
Advertisement—Irwin Motors Inc., Claremont; 1947 Cadillac 4-door Sedan, $3,800; 1947 Kaiser 4-door Sedan, $1,795; 1946 Buick Sedeanette. $1.995; 1941 Studebaker 2-door, $995; 1940 Buick 4-door Sedan Super, $995.
Four Stevens High School boys dressed in maroon jackets, straw “skimmers,” grey pants and carrying canes entertained the Claremont Rotary Club yesterday noon with a vaudeville routine. The boys, Carl Steinfield, Robert Angier, Malcolm MacDonald and Forrest Putnam, and several popular and old-time ballads and a song and dance performance. They were introduced by Merton Thompson, a member of the April program committee.
Mrs. Marilda Bissonnette and Mrs. Anna Moreau were prize winners at a card party held last night in K of C Hall following the regular meeting of La Societa des Artisans. Mrs. Antoinette Frenette presided at the business session.
Dr. H.H. Rice was elected chairman of the Claremont Republican committee at the organization’s biennial meeting last night at the Court House. Other officers are Mrs. Grace J. St. Amour, first vice chairman, Mrs. George H. Wilmarth, treasurer, and Miss Catherine Goodhue, secretary.
The complete board was represented at a meeting of the Claremont Chamber of Commerce directors held yesterday in the Colonial Hotel. Robert Hasham, secretary, reported there are approximately 160 paid memberships to date with still more expected to come in to exceed the 1947 membership total. He also announced 150 new flag holders have been received to replace those worn out from sidewalk displays. Directors present were Chauncey L. Brown, Robert B. Buckley, Lyle H. Fillmore, Henry C. Hawkins Jr., John F. Howe, Eugene O. Isabelle, Calvin Oakes, Arthur J. Rouillard Jr., Melvin C. Rowe, Briscoe P. Spencer, Herman VanHouten and Laurence I. Hicks. John McL. Clark was a guest.
This week students in Mrs. McIntire’s room have done written “crossout” games for a language lesson. Pupils doing their papers especially well were Donald Quimby, David Shaw, Lenis Bartlett, Judy Miller, Christine Watling, Theresa Nadon, James Perkins, Martha Putney and Jean Rannisto.
Athletic letters for participation in winter sports activities were awarded to 36 Towle High School students at an assembly held this week. Boys’ Basketball—Edwin Sielewicz, captain; Harold Campbell, John Coronis, Jesse Evangelou, Dave Sargent, John Waldo; Skiing—Ken Kendall Robert Rollins, John Hutchinson, Robert Morrow, Winnie Clark, Arthur Catsam, Chandler Perkins, James Butler; Ice Hockey—Ken Kendall, Donald Sumner, Richard Pariseau, Robert Leaver, Wilbur Willis, Thomas Douglas, John Hutchinson, James Butler, Ronald Patten, Charles Willey, Wayne Johnson; Girls’ Basketball—Jacqueline Kelly, Joan Shaw, Barbara Keane, Barbara Libby, Barbara Butler, Marlene Hayes, Gloria Pevine, Margaret Strong, Mildred Johnson, Mildred Johnson, Virginia Wright, Sally Jobes, Lucille Babbitt, Della Flanders, June Fitlault.
The booklet enumerating the virtues of Newport from an industrial and community standpoint, which is being prepared by the local Chamber of Commerce, will be released in the very near future, according to an announcement Thursday by Benedict Zakauskas, manager of the organization. A gratifying announcement was also made, namely that the recent drive for members has resulted in the membership of the Chamber being 37 percent greater than it ever was in the history of the organization.
Those getting 100 percent in spelling are Fred Mark, Fred and Barbara Sullivan, Elbert Bannister, Dorothy Shephard, John Morse, Shirley Perrault, Gordon Gagnor, Wayne Spencer, Edward Thibodeau and Diane LaPorte.
Albert Decker has terminated his connections with the W.T. Slack Company in Springfield, Vt., and is going into business for himself.
The Keil Keys basketball team of this town acquired the Northern Amateur Class A championship in the Woodsville tournament by a victory of 51-48 over the Burlington Wizards.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell White who have been spending the winter in Boston have returned and opened their house on South Main Street.
At a meeting of Sunapee Mountain Grange Saturday evening, a birthday cake was presented to Sylvester Kiggins in honor of his 81st birthday.
The men of the community met at the Town Hall Monday evening to reorganize our dormant fire department.
Mrs. Leslie Richardson, Mrs. George Vaine and Mrs. Wincola McGuire have been laid off from work in the shoe shop until orders come in.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blodgett of North Newport were callers Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D.S. Rowell.
Deputy Evan George, Miss Lois George, Mrs. Ruby Carpenter, Francis Duford, Earle Carpenter Jr. and Miss Ella Carpenter attended the meeting of Sugar River Grange at North Charlestown last Thursday evening.
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