
Call for a an amendment to the U.S. Constitution

Corinne Dodge
N.H. Voters Restoring Democracy
This is an open letter to Gov. Sununu and the NH State Senate, which four years ago voted unanimously to put the will of their constituents first by passing SB 136, a bill calling for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to end the corrupting influence of excessive and secret money in politics.


Your constituents thank you for the unanimous vote four years ago. You will have an opportunity to call for a U.S. Constitutional amendment again when HB 504 comes to the Senate for a vote soon. This bill includes a call for a public hearing so that you can hear directly from your constituents, and for an end to the partisan gerrymandering which New Hampshire voters are looking at with growing concern. The Supreme Court case now being heard involves gerrymandering by both political parties. This has truly become a non-partisan concern!

New Hampshire Republican, Democratic, and undeclared voters all believe that legislation to get “Big Money” out of politics and end gerrymandering is very important, and we are asking for your help. We do not want either party to draw up redistricting maps in 2021 unilaterally and behind closed doors; we want transparency. We are calling for an independent redistricting commission to draw up the plans transparently and to present them to our General Court for approval. We call on all N.H. state Senators to join the N.H. House in passing HB 504.

Governor Sununu: We respectfully ask that you sign this bill.


Corinne Dodge

N.H. Voters Restoring Democracy


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