NEWPORT — A four-way race has developed for two three-year openings on the Newport Board of Selectmen.
Incumbents Jeff Kessler, a 15-year veteran and current board chairman, and John Hooper II, seeking his second term, are both running for re-election.
Newcomer Herbert Tellor Jr. is also in the race for one of the seats that will be decided on voting day, Tuesday, May 14 with the polls open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the Newport Opera House.
Tellor, 59, served six years in the U.S. Air Force and has lived in Newport most of his life. He now resides in North Newport.
He has worked mainly in the trucking industry for Sanborn’s Express in Newport and for the last 28-plus years with BSP Trans at its Lebanon terminal. For the last 17 years he has been the Dock/Nightshift supervisor and is now retired due to health related issues.
“In many of the years I have voted, a lack of candidate choices has always struck me as a reason for low voter turnout,” Tellor stated. “I believe also that it is everyone’s responsibility to participate in our system to whatever degree he or she can.”
Tellor said he ran for school board in the late nineties when chaos seemed to be right around the corner. “I lost the election but tried to remain involved as much as my work schedule would allow.”
In his statement, Tellor said he is concerned that Newport’s current Board of Selectmen is becoming detached from the public that it serves.
”Issues need to be looked at from all sides and sometimes those who are too close cannot make the best decisions. Experience is good but turnover and new ideas can be even more valuable,” he concluded.
Also filing on Friday, April 5, prior to the 5 p.m. deadline, was Linda Wadensdten, the current chairman of the Newport School Board. A victory by Wadensten would find her serving on both the Board of Selectmen and Newport School Board for the next three years.
Kessler, Hooper and Wadensten have also been invited to submit brief statements on their background and why they are candidates for a position on the Newport Board of Selectmen. Their responses will be printed prior to the May 14th election.
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