The three winners in the American History Essay Contest sponsored by the Colonel Samuel Ashley Chapter DAR read their essays at the meeting held at the home of Louise Colby, 122 Pleasant St. They are Marl Lancaster, Way School sixth grader; Charlene Reed, Maple Avenue School sixth grader, and William Mason, North Street
School fifth grader.
Daniel O’Shea, star of Stevens High School basketball team, was awarded the 3rd Annual Rotary Club trophy by president Jeffrey Patten at the Tuesday meeting at the club at the Pleasant Restaurant. O’Shea is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Stoodley Jr., Thrasher Road. Winners in previous years were Dana Hadley and Robert Gierlatowicz.
A book fair sponsored by Citizens Acting Cooperatively for Education will be held at the Charlestown Primary and Elementary Schools. Nancy Parsons is the chairman at the Primary School with help from Mrs. Marti Pacini, Pam Larrabee, Loretta Andre, Helen Chase, Fay Adams, Becky St. Pierre, Sharon Richardson, Lois Frohock, Pat Putnam, Olive Decker, Dini Laramie, Gladys Hood, Nancy Houghton, and Marge Putnam. Irene Domini is chairman at the Elementary School with Mrs. Alimeta Campbell, Sabin, Allen, P. Putnam, Gibson, St. Pierre, Catani and Owens.
Spec. 4 Stephen C. Barton who is attending school at Aberdeen, Md., spent the weekend in North Grantham with his wife Sandra and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hastings. Seaman Robert Swensen, who has completed his basic training, was a recent guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Swensen Jr. and his great-grandmother, Mrs. Carrie Swensen. James Phetteplace, who is now residing at the Sullivan County Home, observed his 83rd birthday this month.
More than 150 youngsters participated in the Easter egg hunts sponsored by the Newport Recreation and Parks Department and the Newport Lake Sunapee Area Jaycees on April 8 and 9, respectively. Seventy-five kids up to10 years of age were on the Common despite biting cold and windy weather for the Jaycees’ egg hunt. Eighteen chocolate Easter bunnies, four and a half gallons of ice cream, nine and a half gallons of orange juice and 10 silver dollars were donated by area merchants. Paul Robinson was chairman.
Helen and Wesley Hallett, 43 Park St., celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on April 3.
Ginny Story, Beth Hoyt and Beth Niemi, Newport High School students, have been selected to attend the 1977 Granite Girls’ State sessions sponsored by the Brewster, Gould, Lee Unit, American Legion Auxiliary and the Newport Rotary. Marcia Fortune and Jodi LaValley were winners in the auxiliary’s essay contest.
Lewis Dunnells was elected chief of the Volunteer Fire Department at the annual meeting, which took place April 2 at the Fire Station. He succeeds Arthur Carver who submitted his resignation after serving as chief for eight years. Mr. Carver urged the establishment of the local fire department and was responsible for much of its growth. Other officers elected were Francis Blain, president; Alfred Cote, assistant chief; Everett Reney treasurer, and Ernest Shepard, secretary.
Ronald Kozikowski, who has served as a Croydon selectman for four and one-half years, resigned from the board Friday. The resignation was prompted by Mr. Kozikowski’s need to devote full time to his studies at the New Hampshire Technical Institute, Manchester, he said.
Paul McIntosh, a student at the University of New Hampshire is spending his spring vacation working for Green Acres Ice Cream Inc.
W.W. Chase is spending his spring vacation from Webster Academy, Webster, Mass., at the home of Mrs. Charles Almneder.
Deanna Lussier observed her birthday at a party in her honor.
Advertisement—Irwin Motors Inc., Claremont; 1947 Cadillac 4-door Sedan, $3,800; 1947 Kaiser 4-door Sedan, $1,795; 1946 Buick Sedeanette. $1.995; 1941 Studebaker 2-door, $995; 1940 Buick 4-door Sedan Super, $995.
Four Stevens High School boys dressed in maroon jackets, straw “skimmers,” grey pants and carrying canes entertained the Claremont Rotary Club yesterday noon with a vaudeville routine. The boys, Carl Steinfield, Robert Angier, Malcolm MacDonald and Forrest Putnam, and several popular and old-time ballads and a song and dance performance. They were introduced by Merton Thompson, a member of the April program committee.
Mrs. Marilda Bissonnette and Mrs. Anna Moreau were prize winners at a card party held last night in K of C Hall following the regular meeting of La Societa des Artisans. Mrs. Antoinette Frenette presided at the business session.
Dr. H.H. Rice was elected chairman of the Claremont Republican committee at the organization’s biennial meeting last night at the Court House. Other officers are Mrs. Grace J. St. Amour, first vice chairman, Mrs. George H. Wilmarth, treasurer, and Miss Catherine Goodhue, secretary.
The complete board was represented at a meeting of the Claremont Chamber of Commerce directors held yesterday in the Colonial Hotel. Robert Hasham, secretary, reported there are approximately 160 paid memberships to date with still more expected to come in to exceed the 1947 membership total. He also announced 150 new flag holders have been received to replace those worn out from sidewalk displays. Directors present were Chauncey L. Brown, Robert B. Buckley, Lyle H. Fillmore, Henry C. Hawkins Jr., John F. Howe, Eugene O. Isabelle, Calvin Oakes, Arthur J. Rouillard Jr., Melvin C. Rowe, Briscoe P. Spencer, Herman VanHouten and Laurence I. Hicks. John McL. Clark was a guest.
This week students in Mrs. McIntire’s room have done written “crossout” games for a language lesson. Pupils doing their papers especially well were Donald Quimby, David Shaw, Lenis Bartlett, Judy Miller, Christine Watling, Theresa Nadon, James Perkins, Martha Putney and Jean Rannisto.
Athletic letters for participation in winter sports activities were awarded to 36 Towle High School students at an assembly held this week. Boys’ Basketball—Edwin Sielewicz, captain; Harold Campbell, John Coronis, Jesse Evangelou, Dave Sargent, John Waldo; Skiing—Ken Kendall Robert Rollins, John Hutchinson, Robert Morrow, Winnie Clark, Arthur Catsam, Chandler Perkins, James Butler; Ice Hockey—Ken Kendall, Donald Sumner, Richard Pariseau, Robert Leaver, Wilbur Willis, Thomas Douglas, John Hutchinson, James Butler, Ronald Patten, Charles Willey, Wayne Johnson; Girls’ Basketball—Jacqueline Kelly, Joan Shaw, Barbara Keane, Barbara Libby, Barbara Butler, Marlene Hayes, Gloria Pevine, Margaret Strong, Mildred Johnson, Mildred Johnson, Virginia Wright, Sally Jobes, Lucille Babbitt, Della Flanders, June Fitlault.
The booklet enumerating the virtues of Newport from an industrial and community standpoint, which is being prepared by the local Chamber of Commerce, will be released in the very near future, according to an announcement Thursday by Benedict Zakauskas, manager of the organization. A gratifying announcement was also made, namely that the recent drive for members has resulted in the membership of the Chamber being 37 percent greater than it ever was in the history of the organization.
Those getting 100 percent in spelling are Fred Mark, Fred and Barbara Sullivan, Elbert Bannister, Dorothy Shephard, John Morse, Shirley Perrault, Gordon Gagnor, Wayne Spencer, Edward Thibodeau and Diane LaPorte.
Albert Decker has terminated his connections with the W.T. Slack Company in Springfield, Vt., and is going into business for himself.
The Keil Keys basketball team of this town acquired the Northern Amateur Class A championship in the Woodsville tournament by a victory of 51-48 over the Burlington Wizards.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell White who have been spending the winter in Boston have returned and opened their house on South Main Street.
At a meeting of Sunapee Mountain Grange Saturday evening, a birthday cake was presented to Sylvester Kiggins in honor of his 81st birthday.
The men of the community met at the Town Hall Monday evening to reorganize our dormant fire department.
Mrs. Leslie Richardson, Mrs. George Vaine and Mrs. Wincola McGuire have been laid off from work in the shoe shop until orders come in.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blodgett of North Newport were callers Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D.S. Rowell.
Deputy Evan George, Miss Lois George, Mrs. Ruby Carpenter, Francis Duford, Earle Carpenter Jr. and Miss Ella Carpenter attended the meeting of Sugar River Grange at North Charlestown last Thursday evening.
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