NEBRASKA CITY, Neb. — National Arbor Day is Friday, April 26, this year, and the Arbor Day Foundation is making it easy for anyone to celebrate the annual tree-planting holiday. Join the Foundation in April and receive 10 free shade trees.
By joining the Foundation in April, new members receive the following trees: red oak, sugar maple, weeping willow, baldcypress, thornless honeylocust, pin oak, river birch, tuliptree, silver maple and red maple.
The free trees are part of the Foundation’s Trees for America campaign.
“These trees provide shade in the summer and vibrant colors throughout the fall,” said Matt Harris, chief executive of the Arbor Day Foundation. “Through the simple act of planting trees, one person can make a difference in helping to create a healthier and more beautiful planet for all of us to enjoy.”
The trees will be shipped postpaid with enclosed planting instructions at the right time for planting in April or May. The 6-12-inch trees are guaranteed to grow or they will be replaced free of charge.
To become a member of the Foundation and receive the free trees, visit or send a $10 contribution by April 30 to:
Arbor Day Foundation
Ten Free Shade Trees
100 Arbor Ave.
Nebraska City, Neb. 68410
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