Weather Watch

Rain and snow fell

Early risers on Saturday, April 6, got to spot a dusting of overnight snow on their lawns. Highways, however, were clear. The week ahead looks packed with some warmer daytime temperatures.

It sure didn’t feel like Spring on Monday morning, the first day of the new workweek for most. It was raining with a bit of wind in the air. It definitely didn’t feel like a nice Spring day. Several area high school baseball and softball teams were scheduled to open their seasons but that didn’t happen.

In northern New Hampshire it was cold enough for snow to fall and in some areas in the higher elevations 3-6 inches was the prediction.

Here in the Valley, Tuesday’s weather brought a little bit of everything. There was rain, sleet and snow. In Newport, the ground was covered with a layer of snow that was still hanging around on Wednesday morning. Claremont escaped the snow. Roads Tuesday afternoon were slushy and snow covered in some areas.

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