Local News

Cooking course is being offered free in Newport

NEWPORT — Cooking Matters for Parents, a six-week course hosted by the Newport Health Center will be held on Wednesdays from May 1 to June 5 at the Newport Middle High School Learning Kitchen in Room B123. The sessions will run from 5-7 p.m.

This course will provide hands-on nutrition and cooking skills for families.

“Do you spend too much time worrying about what’s for dinner? We can help,” a spokesperson said.

Participants will learn how to purchase, plan, prepare and sample delicious nutritious meals on a budget and get ideas to help your family eat healthier.

The program is free and there will be limited space. Childcare will not be available. To register visit [email protected] or call 526-5093.

Participants will be able to take home a bag of groceries after each class to practice their cooking skills.

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