
Grandparents raising grandchildren in Vermont need our help

Senior Solutions
At the Elder Caucus in Montpelier we discussed kinship care issues. With the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) now in the hands of the Vermont Senate, we are asking that it be extended to cover caring for aging parents and to cover working grandparents taking care of grandchildren here in Vermont. I am looking forward to seeing how the structure plays out with employer insurance packages. If this concerns you or a family member check out this website: www. grandfamilies.org for a lot of resources and information.

In Windsor County, there is a support group: “Grandparents Raising Grandchildren” who meet on the second Tuesday of each month from 9-10 a.m. at the Mt. Ascutney Hospital. You don’t have to register, just show up. There are many reasons why grandparents are stepping in as primary caregivers these days. Parents may have an illness, be deployed overseas, be struggling financially, or other situations that make the grandparent a suitable choice to step in and care for the child or children. 

There are social issues and challenges when this happens. Learn about the pros and cons of formally adopting your grandchild. Find out the difference between going through the process in family court or probate court. There are a lot of options that most of us are not aware of. For more details contact the Chittenden County K.I.N. (Kinship Information Navigation) at Vermontkinshipcarekids.com or call Linda Deliduka at 802-864-5114. She will talk to anyone in Vermont to help support and walk them through the hurdles.

Imagine being 75 years old and going to a second grader’s teacher conference? How about an 80-year-old chasing a 2-year-old through a playground? 

Finding connections with people in similar situations can be very helpful on many levels. So, the good news is that there are supports out there. They are emotional, physical, intellectual, and financial supports. Learn from the people who have navigated the system that help is in place to enable you to provide a great home for the child or children. After all, to provide the best nurturing structure for your grandchild you need all the tools you can gather. I don’t know about you, but I don’t move quite as fast as I used to when I was 35! But I can be a good caregiver and role model for my grandchildren. So can you.

For our Brattleboro area readers, check out this link to the BCTV program that Senior Solutions did with the Brattleboro American Legion about the new Vet to Vet Visitor project: www.brattleborotv.org/bctv-open-studio/senior-solutions-vet-vet-visitor-program

If you know of any veteran who would enjoy this opportunity to connect, please encourage them to call 802-885-2669 and say they want to receive a visit or want to volunteer to be a visitor. Get back into the action and community. The program is for veterans — by veterans.


Joann Erenhouse is the community relations director for Senior Solutions in Springfield, Vt. Contact them at (802) 885-2655.

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