
Recent Obits for Argus-Champion week of April 18, 2019

A brief listing of obituary notices is published weekly in The Argus-Champion at no charge as a public service. For those wishing to place a complete obituary notice, call (603) 543-3100 or 1-800-545-0347 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. or email to The Argus-Champion at The charge for publication of a full obituary notice in the Argus-Champion is $7 per column inch. There is an additional charge of $20 to include a picture to be published with the obituary notice.


Sandra Morse Stagner, 78, of Langdon, April 5, 2019.

Warren B. Newcomb, 76, of Langdon, March 28, 2019. Stringer Funeral Home, Claremont, (603) 543-3146.


Marilyn “Timmie” Farnsworth LaPan, 86, of Plainfield, April 8, 2019.


Kaylyn J. Osgood, 13, of Claremont, April 11, 2019. Roy Funeral Home, Claremont, (603) 543-3274.

Timothy Michael Herlihy Jr., 86, of Claremont, April 13, 2019. Stringer Funeral Home, Claremont, (603) 543-3146.

Bellows Falls

Opal E. Gallio, 95, of Bellows Falls, April 11, 2019. Fenton & Hennessey Funeral Home, Bellows Falls, (802) 463-4111


Stella I. Ruggles, 89, of Windsor, April 12, 2019. Knight Funeral Home, Windsor, (802) 674-5500.

Clayton H. Washburn Jr., 74, of Windsor, April 12, 2019. Knight Funeral Home, Windsor, (802) 674-5500.

John W. MacDonald, 68, of Windsor, April 12, 2019. Knight Funeral Home, Windsor, (802) 674-5500.


Vivian Flanders, 75, of Acworth, April 15, 2019.


Marjorie (Bardis) Kanakis, 94, of Newport, April 12, 2019. Newton-Bartlett Funeral Home, Newport, (603) 863-2113.

Marilyn J. Martin, 81, of Newport, April 14, 2019.

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