NEWPORT — AARP Tax Assistance wrapped up this past week at the Newport Senior Center. AARP volunteers provided assistance to nearly 200 individuals this year.
Volunteer, Jeff North, tells us this was a 17 percent increase from what they provided last year. Tax preparers added an additional three days this year in effort to meet the requested needs. Volunteer preparers enjoyed their new location this year in Suite 1 and Suite 2 in the newly renovated downstairs space. AARP have asked if they could add an additional day each week next year.
After 12 weeks, the Strength, Balance and Flexibility exercise class held their last class on Thursday. The class takes the summer off from this exercise program and will resume after Labor Day for another 12-week exercise program.
Some of the members are looking for other exercise programs to take advantage of during the summer. Some members of the exercise group have inquired about weekly line dancing. Line dancing is open participation and all are welcome. Any person interested in line dancing can join the class each Monday at 1 pm.
With some programs ending for the summer months, we are hard at work gearing up for other programs to offer throughout the spring and summer months. AARP Volunteers will be back at the center on May 16, from 9 a.m. to noon, to prepare Low and Moderate Property Tax Rebates.
This will be offered as a first-come, first-serve service. Individuals are cautioned to not plan to attend at 9 a.m. so that everyone is not there at 9 a.m. and have to wait. This property tax rebate gives low to moderate income property owners a rebate on the school portion of their property taxes. Please plan to bring your 2018 tax return and property tax bill.
The center’s “Lighting the Way” initiative is underway. This project will include replacing all of the lighting upstairs with LED lighting. This will provide a cost savings for the center’s monthly electrical bill. The total cost of this project is $17,000. We have raised approximately $3,300 over the past two weeks for this project with our Annual Spring Appeal Letters.
Currently, there is a Mother’s Day Raffle in progress to compliment the appeal letter efforts. The raffle consists of a homemade quilt, homemade blue and white wreath, 10 scratch tickets, gift certificate for Pleasant Restaurant and two bottles of wine. Tickets are $1 each or six tickets for $5. Prizes are available for viewing at the center. Sale of raffle tickets will benefit the “Lighting the Way” project.
In addition to new lighting, SCNS is adding a new six-burner range to the kitchen. The range will be complemented with a steamer and holding cabinet. We will be adding some new refrigeration units that will also serve as working stations. Additional equipment will give us the opportunity to prepare additional meals and adequate space to do so. The new equipment is expected to arrive on Monday.
We have secured some new programs for May. Volunteers from AARP will be at the center to give pointers on Fraud. The Alzheimer’s Association will be presenting a program on healthy living for your brain and body. Stay tuned for more details.
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