Cindy Wiegand
Hospice Volunteer Coordinator
Visiting Nurse and Hospice for
Vermont and New Hampshire
White River Junction, Vt.
To the editor,
April is National Volunteer Month, a time to recognize and celebrate the thousands of men and women who volunteer in communities across the country. I am the hospice volunteer coordinator at Visiting Nurse and Hospice for Vermont and New Hampshire (VNH), and I salute all those who give of their time and talents — particularly to people at the end of life’s journey.
Even when you’re dying, there can be a lot of living to do. Hospice volunteers make more special moments possible for the patients and families they serve every day. Across the U.S., more than 430,000 hospice volunteers give 19 million hours of service every year.
Right here in our community, 35 trained volunteers are working with Visiting Nurse and Hospice for Vermont and New Hampshire (VNH) and are giving selflessly to help people live as fully as possible, even at the end of life. Our community is a better and more compassionate place because of their service.
We are in need of volunteers, and I encourage you to learn more about hospice by contacting me directly at VNH by calling 802-359-1303 or by visiting our website at I will be starting an online training on May 15, which will be followed by two in-person sessions.
Cindy Wiegand
Hospice Volunteer Coordinator
Visiting Nurse and Hospice for
Vermont and New Hampshire
White River Junction, Vt.
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