Ed Caron
School board chair
Springfield, Vt.
To the editor,
“Wow! $31 million for school budget. Why so much? When I was younger it didn’t cost so much.”
As a board member I hear this a lot. I don’t know why we ask this about education costs. Buying a car today costs more than my first house. Yet, we still buy cars. We buy new cars and pay the price due to new features, safety equipment, pride, and we need them. To me the same applies to education and the cost of schools. We are investing in our children, their education, their safety, their pride, and out of necessity. We are also investing in ourselves. The better educated our children become, the better their chances of getting employed or starting a business. If our schools are not properly equipped for this challenge, families with children will move away. Studies have shown that communities that invest in their schools have a higher rate of student success, and with that comes higher property values. Join me in support of our Springfield School Budget and vote on April 30.
Ed Caron
School board chair
Springfield, Vt.
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