Dartmouth College students will be working on a research project to develop public awareness of Senior Solutions services and programs available for the increasing older population in the Upper Valley. As an organization we value engaging with various segments of the population. Not only to understand their needs but to share resources and knowledge. Working with Dartmouth students has been a very rewarding process in the past and we look forward to this project. We met with them last Friday and will be in communication throughout the project. I am very interested to learn what their perspectives will produce. We also hope that we can help them as we combine efforts to refine the scope of their research. It is a great way to keep fresh and share ideas!
Thinking about ideas, there will be a very interesting presentation at the Neighborhood Connections at 5700 Mountain Marketplace in Londonderry, Vermont on May 13th. Annamarie Pluhar will present “Sharing Housing for Health and Happiness” from 4-5 p.m. that day. Call 802-824-4343 for more information.
Also, please note that the Farmers Market in Weathersfield, Vt. opens May 4th from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Perennials, asparagus and lettuce will be featured. Stop by and pick up something for your garden or your table.
Don’t forget that if you want to learn about Medicare plans you should sign up for our Medicare Boot Camp sessions. There is one each month. Call our new Help Line number at 802-885-2669 and register. This is a free service to anyone in Windham or Windsor County, Vermont and offers good information on all the different options we have when enrolling in Medicare. Don’t wait until Open Enrollment to think about what you should sign up for. Boot Camp Classes are held in our Springfield office conference room. They are two hours long with time to ask questions. You may also call our help line if you have issues and need more in-depth help. Our State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) specialist will return your call and make an appointment with you.
Our Home Meds Program is moving forward with presentations and follow-up appointments to help anyone over 60 in our Windham/Windsor service area find out if they have any conflicting medications that could be causing serious side effects by interacting poorly with each other. Again, this is a free service. We can also screen you for other health benefits and programs if you are interested.
Our services are paid for through Older Americans Act federal funding, state funding, private grants and donations, and town support. We have kinship caregiver resources, aqua aerobics class at the Upper Valley Aquatic Center, Caregiver respite grants, help with long and short term Medicaid applications, case management, help with applications for 3SquaresVT, VPharm, fuel assistance and other benefits that older Vermonters are eligible for. Please call the Help Line and ask us. Let us know if your parents would benefit from a Friendly Visitor or Senior Companion if you think they are lonely or can’t get out like they used to do.
Finally, please volunteer! Senior Centers need Meals on Wheels drivers. People need visitors. We all need to know that we count and are still part of our communities. Thank you to those out there who do so much for the rest of us!
Senior Solutions, Council on Aging for Southeastern Vermont helps connect residents ages 60 and above in Windsor and Windham counties with the many social services available to them.
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