SPRINGFIELD, Vt. — The Springfield Farmers’ Market will be hosting a spring market Saturday May 11 at the United Methodist Church on Valley St. from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and has space available for qualified vendors. This market offers agriculture products such as produce, meats , eggs. plants, baked, processed and catered foods as well as maple syrup and honey products, authors and artisans with handcrafted items including a large variety of bee’s wax candles and tote/shopping bags made from grain bags and kitchen helpers. For more information call 802-885-4096 or email [email protected].
The Springfield Farmers’ Market will be opening for the season June 1 at it’s summer location on lower Clinton St. on a grassy area just before Nortrax Equipment Co., there is plenty of parking at this location. There will be music for opening day June 1 and various weeks through out the season, we are also making plans for special markets through the season. The market is open rain or shine unless the weather is dangerous. This market is not open on Springfield’s Alumni Day June 15. We are a non profit vendor run farmers’ market, look for us on Facebook. Vendor info can be found on the web site springfieldvtfarmersmarket.com
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