CONCORD — The New Hampshire Drinking Water and Groundwater Advisory Commission is targeting up to $2 million from the Drinking Water and Groundwater Trust Fund for grants to protect public water supply sources in 2019. The grant application process, administered by the Commission through N.H. Department of Environmental Services, begins with brief eligibility applications due on June 28. Projects eligible for funding under the program involve permanent protection of land from which water flows to public water supply sources — specifically wellhead protection areas and land designated as “hydrologic areas of concern” within water supply watersheds. Projects that involve the protection of land for future water supply sources will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. After the Commission reviews the eligibility applications, applicants will be asked to submit a more extensive funding application by Sept. 13. The Trust Fund can cover up to 50 percent of eligible costs, up to a maximum of $500,000 per project.
In 2018 the Commission provided $2.4 million to protect 4,744 acres of water supply land and $24 million in loans and grants to 19 communities for water quality projects, mainly water supply infrastructure. More information is available at
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