CONCORD — The House of Representatives voted 272-87 today to pass SB 6, appropriating funds to the Department of Health and Human Services for the hiring of additional child protective workers.
“As we know from the report released by the Department of Health and Human Services last year,” said House Majority Leader Doug Ley (D-Jaffrey). “DCYF is in the midst of a growing challenge to meet high caseload demands in the state. This legislation is critical to helping caseworkers meet the needs of Granite State children efficiently by reducing the caseloads of those who provide first-rate care. The professional work that caseworkers perform is intense and personally taxing, and the pressure that unsustainable case-loads has placed on these workers cannot be understated.”
“SB 6 was endorsed by the Office of the Child Advocate, has the unanimous support of the DCYF Advisory Board, and was unanimously recommended by the House’s bipartisan Children and Family Law Committee. With such strong support among all stakeholders to protect the interests of children, it is particularly sad that the majority of House Republicans chose to vote ‘NO.’ The passage of this legislation is essential for the incredible DCYF staff and the children and families they serve. House Democrats are proud to unanimously support its passage.”
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