
House passes legislation to increase funding for mental health services

CONCORD — The House of Representatives voted today to pass SB 11 and SB 292, which appropriate funds to address the current mental health crisis and requires the commissioner to submit an annual report regarding implementation of the 10-Year Mental Health Plan.

“The mental health system in New Hampshire is in crisis and the legislation passed with a bipartisan vote today is an important and monumental step in meeting the extraordinary demand for services in the state,” said House Majority Leader Doug Ley (D-Jaffrey). “SB 11 is timely legislation in conjunction with the release of the state’s 10-Year Mental Health Plan in January of this year.”

“The appropriations in SB 11 allow for New Hampshire citizens to access the mental health services that they need, while giving providers and facilities the support they require. The accountability legislated in SB 292 is important in ensuring that the systemic response to demand continues to be met appropriately each year and the 10-Year Mental Health Plan reaches its goals. We must start treating improvements to the mental health system in New Hampshire with the urgency and priority that they demand.”

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