
Crash leads to heroin bust

SAXTONS RIVER, Vt. — On May 2 at 7:39 p.m., Vermont State Police received a 911 call reporting a two-car motor vehicle crash that occurred on Vermont Route 121 near Davidson Hill Road in Saxtons River (Windham County) Vermont.

Investigation revealed that Michael Capaccio, 30, of Newport, New Hampshire failed to maintain his lane and crashed into the back of a truck and trailer parked on the side of Vermont Route 121.

Investigation of the crash revealed that Capaccio was operating a 2003 Hyundai Elantra when he struck a trailer, which was attached to a pickup truck parked on the side of the road. Capaccio was transported to Springfield Hospital for treatment for injuries sustained from the crash. Capaccio was subsequently arrested for an active arrest warrant out of Windsor County.

Further investigation revealed that Capaccio was impaired and unable to safely operate a vehicle at the time of the crash. A drug recognition expert (DRE) was called to evaluate Capaccio for drug impairment. The DRE formed the conclusion that Capaccio was impaired and he was charged with driving under the influence of drugs. During the investigation, Vermont State Police received a tip that Capaccio tossed an object over the guardrail after exiting his vehicle at the crash site. A police K9 from the Bellows Falls Police Department responded and the K9 located a bundle of baggies that tested positive for heroin. Capaccio’s driver’s license status was found to criminal suspended in Vermont.

Capaccio was transported to the Springfield Police Department for processing. Capaccio was later lodged at the Southern State Correction Facility in lieu of $550.00 bail (on the Windsor County warrant) and will appear on May 21, 2019, at 8 a.m. in Vermont Superior Court, Windham Criminal Division for arraignment on the new charges.

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