Armed with trash bags, more than 100 Charlestowners picked up litter strewn along town roadways as they participated in the fifth annual “Green Up Day” sponsored by the Charlestown Conservation Commission. Margaret Spaulding, chairman of the project and local resident Embert Peterson directed the boy scouts, cub scouts, girl scouts and brownies, 4-H members and others into the many trucks provided by the Charlestown Rotary Club.
A Mother’s Day slide show titled “A Tribute to Mothers,” was presented by the Claremont Photography Club at the Goodwin Community Center. The show incorporated two projectors, a dissolve unit and a sound synchronizer donated by Father Paul Aube. The slides were taken by the members and arranged and set to music by president Bill Smith. Mrs. Faltot, Newport, and Mary Webster, Claremont, served refreshments.
The Stevens High School band’s trip to Disney World recently was an eventful one with three of the students getting marooned at the top of Space Mountain, a roller coaster, which developed brake trouble. Andrew Palmer, Lisa Giguere and Stephen Carr were forced to walk down ladders to make their escape at midnight. The band marched in two parades and according to Director Al Gader he and other chaperones were told repeatedly the Stevens group was the “best bunch of kids they ran into.” Other chaperones were Dr. Albert Miyara, Vickie Miyara, Mrs. Al Gader, Miriam Craig and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carr.
Mrs. Nathan Hastings was elected president of the Blue Mountain Snowdusters Inc. at the club’s annual dinner meeting at the town hall. Other officers elected were Dennis Morrow, Newport, vice president; Theresa Field, secretary; Helen Schotanus, treasurer, and Alfred Cote trailmaster. Serving on the board of directors are Nathan Hastings, Alfred Cote, Merle Schotanus, outgoing president and Maurice Hastings, Newport, who was elected to fill the post created by the resignation of Wilfred M. Hastings.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has given its annual Wastewater Treatment Plant Award to the Town of Newport. A plaque will be presented to William Royce, plant superintendent, at a ceremony in Concord.
Police Chief Floyd S. Potter Jr. has announced that Frederick P. Corbett Sr. has been appointed dog warden. Corbett, 33 Middle St., will begin work on May 9. Town Manage James Hannigan has been authorized by the board of selectmen to find the money for the dog warden’s job, even though it had been cut out of the budget by the budget committee during the winter. Residents have complained about dogs running free in groups and their fears for the safety of children if the dog ordinance were not enforced.
Scholastic honors have been announced for both high schools in Claremont. At Stevens, James Chrostowski, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Priscilla Chrostowski, is valedictorian; Priscilla Michaud, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Michaud, is salutatorian; first and second honorable mention go to Brian Moore and David Wilbur. At St. Mary High School, Kathleen Baron, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Baron is valedictorian and Louise Foisy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Foisy is salutatorian. Third and fourth places were earned by Lucille Beliveau, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jules Beliveau, and Denise Gaudreau, daughter of Mrs. R.J. Gaudreau
Bernard Revoir and Susan Arlin of Stevens High School and Wayne Michaud of St. Mary High School, attended the model United Nations Assembly at Plymouth Teachers College. The three-day program was sponsored by Rotary International. Michaud represented Brazil and Stevens students acted as delegates from Finland.
Stanley R. Smith is receiving his basic raining in the U.S. Navy at the Great Lakes Training Center, Illinois.
Robert Kelley Jr., Lebanon, spent part of his vacation with his great-grandparents.
Nathan Carey, Claremont, spent part of the spring school vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hudson.
Towle High School has announced the top four students in the senior class of 1962. Valedictorian is Karol A. Bushaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Bushaw; salutatorian is Christine M. Waltz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David M. Waltz; third place is Donald S. Rowell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Rowell, and honorable mention goes to Jeraldine J. Colburn, daughter of Mr. and rs. Earl G. Colburn of Kelleyville.
Neta Kimball and Richard McAllister represented Towle High School at the annual United Nations Model Assembly, representing the Congo.
Mark Hayward, son of M. and Mrs. George Hayward, Cheney Street, is pictured dressed as his favorite storybook character, “Puss in Boots” at the Richards Free Library in observance of National Library Week. Chris Eldredge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Newcomb Eldredge, Summit, Road, is pictured as “Peter Rabbit.”
Cub Scouts Robert Gintowt, Kim White, Gary LaFountain, Kenneth Rund, Wayne Shepard and Michael Couitt were graduated into the Boy Scouts of America in recent ceremonies at the church of the Good Shepherd. Cubmasters are Dr. William Moore and Aaro Reivo. Absent when Arthur Shadis took the photo was Alan Perry.
Misfortune, which has plagued the Claremont Water Department all spring, struck again today, leaving the department without a foreman and no experienced workers. Foreman Haskon G. Pederson, 40, of 113 Washington St., is at Claremont General Hospital with a fractured ankle, received when a 960-pound section of cast iron pipe struck his leg while he was unloading a truckload of pipe. Crippled by the recent loss of two men, the department will operate with one man and superintendent Charles W. Easter until Pederson returns.
Members of the Blue Mountain Grange met at the home of master, Mrs. Alberta Hastings, and appointed committees to make plans for the fall fair. They bought a piece of land on the North Grantham Road for that purpose a short time ago.
Mrs. Etta Loverin has come to her village home for the summer months.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reney of Grafton were in town Sunday calling on relatives. Their son, Dickie, is attending school in Boston and their daughter Ann is a student at a school in Hudson.
Fishermen will be interested in the news that the ice is out of Lake Sunapee and it is possible to get out in a boat and go after the big ones now.
Making their annual operatic debut, the Richards Junior High School glee club presented “My Spanish Sweetheart” to an appreciative audience in the Town Hall. Those performing were Marjorie Haven, Olga Spanos, Peggy Mueller, Rachel Geoffrion, Janet Cummings, Pauline Wilson, Lucille Babbitt, Joy Avery Jennie Perkins, Marguerite Luck, Paul Lamothe, Shirley Elstrom, John Winkley, Beverly Shedd, Kenneth Roberts, Roger Conroy. Earl Legacy, Lois Bell, Jean Webster, Bobby Call, Alden Davis, Mark Shepherd, Henry Guimond, Jimmy Monckton, Peggy Mueller, Janet Silver, Janet Newell, Joan and Marlene St. Cyr, Joan Libby, Carolyn Currier, Peter Lubinueski, Eileen Hinze, Josephine Karr, Rita Follansbee and Richard Brooks.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Barton and Mr. Dana Pecknell who bought the Dunham place several years ago have sold out and bought a place in Langdon. They moved to that place last week.
Hazel Berg, student reporter for grades 7 and 8 writes: “We are very sorry that the hot lunches have stopped. Many of us gained quite a number of pounds during he winter as a result of the tasty and nourishing food prepared for us by Mrs. Levi Lemere. We hope she will be back again next year, for it will be a long time before we shall forget her delicious salmon wiggle.”
The annual May Ball, under the auspices of the Samaritan Society at the Universalist Church, was held at the town hall on May 2. Pupils of Miss Margaret Gowdey’s dancing school opened the program with an hour dance recital. Dancing followed until midnight with Frank Bush’s orchestra furnishing music, with several square numbers included in the dance order to provide entertainment for all ages.
Escorted from the square to the Pleasant Street Depot by the American Legion drum corps, the Boy Scout troops of Claremont marched to Moody Park to hold Washington bicentennial ceremonies. Scoutmasters George Goodhue, Louis Garceau and Arnold Cutting represented their units in planting black walnuts gathered from the Washington estate at Mount Vernon. Speakers were A.B. Kellogg and the Rev. Albert Burque. Parade Marshals were Chief of Police Daniel E. White, Captain Harold P. Jacques of the National Guard and Selectman William P. Nolin.
The senior class presented the thee-act play, “Man or Mouse” at the Town Hall under the direction of Miss Sipolin and Mr. Atherton. The cast included Norma Nichols, Hilda Wright, Marshall Blaine, Russell Davidson, Mark Belluscio, Kenneth Whitney, Lewis Cheever, Ruth Sylvester, Marjorie Ahern, Leo Poisson, Roberta Hartley, Nathaniel Brooks, Howard, Jennings and Teresa Burns. Eda Davis and Harvey Putnam were unable to take their parts due to illness.
Surveyors are working on the main highway above Merrill’s crossing.
Little Vernon Smith, seven-year-old son of John Smith of Alstead Center, was badly hurt by being kicked in the mouth by the horse his father was driving. He lost nearly all his upper teeth and it is thought the upper jaw bone is cracked.
The annual meeting of the Sullivan County Teachers’ Association was held in Newport in conjunction with an all-day teachers’ institute program. Retiring president Edgar L. Lord of the Stevens faculty opened he sessions. Guy Williams of Colby Junior College, New London, was elected as new president and Miss Florence Cook of the Stevens High faculty was named secretary treasurer.
Armed with trash bags, more than 100 Charlestowners picked up litter strewn along town roadways as they participated in the fifth annual “Green Up Day” sponsored by the Charlestown Conservation Commission. Margaret Spaulding, chairman of the project and local resident Embert Peterson directed the boy scouts, cub scouts, girl scouts and brownies, 4-H members and others into the many trucks provided by the Charlestown Rotary Club.
A Mother’s Day slide show titled “A Tribute to Mothers,” was presented by the Claremont Photography Club at the Goodwin Community Center. The show incorporated two projectors, a dissolve unit and a sound synchronizer donated by Father Paul Aube. The slides were taken by the members and arranged and set to music by president Bill Smith. Mrs. Faltot, Newport, and Mary Webster, Claremont, served refreshments.
The Stevens High School band’s trip to Disney World recently was an eventful one with three of the students getting marooned at the top of Space Mountain, a roller coaster, which developed brake trouble. Andrew Palmer, Lisa Giguere and Stephen Carr were forced to walk down ladders to make their escape at midnight. The band marched in two parades and according to Director Al Gader he and other chaperones were told repeatedly the Stevens group was the “best bunch of kids they ran into.” Other chaperones were Dr. Albert Miyara, Vickie Miyara, Mrs. Al Gader, Miriam Craig and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carr.
Mrs. Nathan Hastings was elected president of the Blue Mountain Snowdusters Inc. at the club’s annual dinner meeting at the town hall. Other officers elected were Dennis Morrow, Newport, vice president; Theresa Field, secretary; Helen Schotanus, treasurer, and Alfred Cote trailmaster. Serving on the board of directors are Nathan Hastings, Alfred Cote, Merle Schotanus, outgoing president and Maurice Hastings, Newport, who was elected to fill the post created by the resignation of Wilfred M. Hastings.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has given its annual Wastewater Treatment Plant Award to the Town of Newport. A plaque will be presented to William Royce, plant superintendent, at a ceremony in Concord.
Police Chief Floyd S. Potter Jr. has announced that Frederick P. Corbett Sr. has been appointed dog warden. Corbett, 33 Middle St., will begin work on May 9. Town Manage James Hannigan has been authorized by the board of selectmen to find the money for the dog warden’s job, even though it had been cut out of the budget by the budget committee during the winter. Residents have complained about dogs running free in groups and their fears for the safety of children if the dog ordinance were not enforced.
Scholastic honors have been announced for both high schools in Claremont. At Stevens, James Chrostowski, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Priscilla Chrostowski, is valedictorian; Priscilla Michaud, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Michaud, is salutatorian; first and second honorable mention go to Brian Moore and David Wilbur. At St. Mary High School, Kathleen Baron, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Baron is valedictorian and Louise Foisy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Foisy is salutatorian. Third and fourth places were earned by Lucille Beliveau, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jules Beliveau, and Denise Gaudreau, daughter of Mrs. R.J. Gaudreau
Bernard Revoir and Susan Arlin of Stevens High School and Wayne Michaud of St. Mary High School, attended the model United Nations Assembly at Plymouth Teachers College. The three-day program was sponsored by Rotary International. Michaud represented Brazil and Stevens students acted as delegates from Finland.
Stanley R. Smith is receiving his basic raining in the U.S. Navy at the Great Lakes Training Center, Illinois.
Robert Kelley Jr., Lebanon, spent part of his vacation with his great-grandparents.
Nathan Carey, Claremont, spent part of the spring school vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hudson.
Towle High School has announced the top four students in the senior class of 1962. Valedictorian is Karol A. Bushaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Bushaw; salutatorian is Christine M. Waltz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David M. Waltz; third place is Donald S. Rowell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Rowell, and honorable mention goes to Jeraldine J. Colburn, daughter of Mr. and rs. Earl G. Colburn of Kelleyville.
Neta Kimball and Richard McAllister represented Towle High School at the annual United Nations Model Assembly, representing the Congo.
Mark Hayward, son of M. and Mrs. George Hayward, Cheney Street, is pictured dressed as his favorite storybook character, “Puss in Boots” at the Richards Free Library in observance of National Library Week. Chris Eldredge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Newcomb Eldredge, Summit, Road, is pictured as “Peter Rabbit.”
Cub Scouts Robert Gintowt, Kim White, Gary LaFountain, Kenneth Rund, Wayne Shepard and Michael Couitt were graduated into the Boy Scouts of America in recent ceremonies at the church of the Good Shepherd. Cubmasters are Dr. William Moore and Aaro Reivo. Absent when Arthur Shadis took the photo was Alan Perry.
Misfortune, which has plagued the Claremont Water Department all spring, struck again today, leaving the department without a foreman and no experienced workers. Foreman Haskon G. Pederson, 40, of 113 Washington St., is at Claremont General Hospital with a fractured ankle, received when a 960-pound section of cast iron pipe struck his leg while he was unloading a truckload of pipe. Crippled by the recent loss of two men, the department will operate with one man and superintendent Charles W. Easter until Pederson returns.
Members of the Blue Mountain Grange met at the home of master, Mrs. Alberta Hastings, and appointed committees to make plans for the fall fair. They bought a piece of land on the North Grantham Road for that purpose a short time ago.
Mrs. Etta Loverin has come to her village home for the summer months.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reney of Grafton were in town Sunday calling on relatives. Their son, Dickie, is attending school in Boston and their daughter Ann is a student at a school in Hudson.
Fishermen will be interested in the news that the ice is out of Lake Sunapee and it is possible to get out in a boat and go after the big ones now.
Making their annual operatic debut, the Richards Junior High School glee club presented “My Spanish Sweetheart” to an appreciative audience in the Town Hall. Those performing were Marjorie Haven, Olga Spanos, Peggy Mueller, Rachel Geoffrion, Janet Cummings, Pauline Wilson, Lucille Babbitt, Joy Avery Jennie Perkins, Marguerite Luck, Paul Lamothe, Shirley Elstrom, John Winkley, Beverly Shedd, Kenneth Roberts, Roger Conroy. Earl Legacy, Lois Bell, Jean Webster, Bobby Call, Alden Davis, Mark Shepherd, Henry Guimond, Jimmy Monckton, Peggy Mueller, Janet Silver, Janet Newell, Joan and Marlene St. Cyr, Joan Libby, Carolyn Currier, Peter Lubinueski, Eileen Hinze, Josephine Karr, Rita Follansbee and Richard Brooks.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Barton and Mr. Dana Pecknell who bought the Dunham place several years ago have sold out and bought a place in Langdon. They moved to that place last week.
Hazel Berg, student reporter for grades 7 and 8 writes: “We are very sorry that the hot lunches have stopped. Many of us gained quite a number of pounds during he winter as a result of the tasty and nourishing food prepared for us by Mrs. Levi Lemere. We hope she will be back again next year, for it will be a long time before we shall forget her delicious salmon wiggle.”
The annual May Ball, under the auspices of the Samaritan Society at the Universalist Church, was held at the town hall on May 2. Pupils of Miss Margaret Gowdey’s dancing school opened the program with an hour dance recital. Dancing followed until midnight with Frank Bush’s orchestra furnishing music, with several square numbers included in the dance order to provide entertainment for all ages.
Escorted from the square to the Pleasant Street Depot by the American Legion drum corps, the Boy Scout troops of Claremont marched to Moody Park to hold Washington bicentennial ceremonies. Scoutmasters George Goodhue, Louis Garceau and Arnold Cutting represented their units in planting black walnuts gathered from the Washington estate at Mount Vernon. Speakers were A.B. Kellogg and the Rev. Albert Burque. Parade Marshals were Chief of Police Daniel E. White, Captain Harold P. Jacques of the National Guard and Selectman William P. Nolin.
The senior class presented the thee-act play, “Man or Mouse” at the Town Hall under the direction of Miss Sipolin and Mr. Atherton. The cast included Norma Nichols, Hilda Wright, Marshall Blaine, Russell Davidson, Mark Belluscio, Kenneth Whitney, Lewis Cheever, Ruth Sylvester, Marjorie Ahern, Leo Poisson, Roberta Hartley, Nathaniel Brooks, Howard, Jennings and Teresa Burns. Eda Davis and Harvey Putnam were unable to take their parts due to illness.
Surveyors are working on the main highway above Merrill’s crossing.
Little Vernon Smith, seven-year-old son of John Smith of Alstead Center, was badly hurt by being kicked in the mouth by the horse his father was driving. He lost nearly all his upper teeth and it is thought the upper jaw bone is cracked.
The annual meeting of the Sullivan County Teachers’ Association was held in Newport in conjunction with an all-day teachers’ institute program. Retiring president Edgar L. Lord of the Stevens faculty opened he sessions. Guy Williams of Colby Junior College, New London, was elected as new president and Miss Florence Cook of the Stevens High faculty was named secretary treasurer.
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