Weather Watch

Rain and frosty mornings

There is very little to write about this week. It rained a lot.

Sunday morning the sun came out…for a while…and then the clouds returned.

Area rivers and streams were running on the high side and that was expected. No flooding was reported, however. It’s also been extremely difficult to give lawns their spring raking.

The days have been on the cool side. Maybe things will improve as the new week moves on. Two mornings were on the frosty side, rather thick in some places.

Week in Review

Date High Low Precis.

April 24 55 46 0.05

April 25 62 39 0.00

April 26 52 40 0.72

April 27 46 40 0.48

April 28 54 37 0.00

April 29 55 31 0.00

April 30 49 28 0.02

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