
Volunteer women who served in World War II

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. — Hugh Putnam will present “Volunteer Women Who Served in World War II” on Saturday May 18 at 2 p.m. at the Springfield Art & Historical Society, 65 Route 106 in North Springfield (Cota & Cota building).

This program will explore the various ways that women could volunteer to serve their country during World War II. While most young men were engaged in the war effort, women were called upon to fill the many jobs that were left vacant but needed for the war effort. Many women worked in industries making products to support the war effort. Still others chose to join the military as volunteer service women. Prior to World War II women had served in the military as nurses and during World War I in other limited tasks. At the start of World War II, Congress passed legislation providing for Women in all branches of the military, Army (WACs), Army Nurse Corp (USANC), Navy (WAVES), Coast Guard (SPARS), and Marine Corps (USMCWR).

Women from Springfield served in most of these military branches. The society has artifacts from a number of these women including the WAVES artifacts of Mary Williams now on display. The talk will discuss a number of these women. Some of them were true Springfield girls while others came here to work during the war and answered the various appeals to join, after being here for only a short time. A few of the names that will be discussed are Doris Burr (Armstrong), Lucille Bacon, Bertha Baker, Florence Chapman, Helen Cichonowicz, Doris Davis, Elizabeth French, Anna Gardner, Elizabeth Heffernan, Janet Henry, Josephine Hoskiewicz, Leonardo Laskevich, Harriet Parker, Catherine Shalucha, Dorothy Slater, Jean Schoppe (Stone), Catherine Shalucha, Teresa Tarro and Mary Williams.

If you have pictures or information about women who served from Springfield and would be willing to share your information please contact Hugh Putnam at 802-886-8430 or [email protected] to the program if possible. This program is free and open to all.

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