
Angry about school lunch snafu

Richard Nelson
To the editor,

On March 31 and on April 19 I read the articles about our lunch debt, not one by two years in a row. How does that happen? I don’t care how it happened and I don’t see any excuses by Mr. O’Neill about why it happened. Somebody should have been overseeing the procedure.

Why do we elect you people if you can’t do the job or can’t lead? Now you want to put somebody in charge to make it doesn’t happen again. Why the hell didn’t you it at the beginning? This would not have happened. Now my other questions are who makes up for not getting the reimbursements?

Do the people of Claremont or the people screwed up? What we should have is an investigation into the government of Claremont. I don’t like the behind-the-door meeting without the people. It’s wrong. So I say to the people of Claremont, when you vote for people to fill a vacancy, thing hard before you vote.


Richard Nelson



P.S. We need our roads fixed.


Editor’s note: Mr. Nelson conflates the money owed by parents for

their children’s lunches (“lunch debt”) with the failure of the SAU #6 administrators to get reimbursement for free and reduced lunches. The answer to his question, ‘Who pays for this?’ was answered by Michael O’Neill, who said in an SAU#6 meeting that savings from a switch to less expensive health insurance for district employees will make up for the money lost in the failure to file paperwork for reimbursement on time.

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