
Foster homes needed

Kaitlin Bartley
Resource Worker
To the editor,

Foster children come from your town, your neighborhood, and your school. They are friends of your child, members of your church, and kids on your little league team. They are babies, toddlers, school-aged kids, and teenagers. They are brothers and sisters who need to stay together. Due to a situation beyond their control, they have to be displaced from their homes and put into a temporary home. They need support, guidance and love. They need a safe place to call home while their family works to put itself back together. Are you able to make a difference in a child’s life? Are you able to open your home to a child from your community — enabling them to remain in a familiar school, with familiar friends?

There is a real need for foster homes in Sullivan and Grafton area for children of all ages and sibling groups. If you’ve ever thought about becoming a foster parent, now is the time to call. You decide what you can handle. Classes will be running in Claremont beginning June 1 at Valley Regional Hospital and they are free to attend, come join us.

If you’d like to learn more about the foster care program, please call 603-271-4771 or visit; www.dhhs.nh.gov.

Help make a difference in the life of a child!


Kaitlin Bartley

Resource Worker


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