
Weathersfield Bow hike on June 2

WEATHERSFIELD, Vt. — Interested in geology? History? Forests? Ancient roads? Good company?

The Weathersfield Historical Society will host a walk in Weathersfield Bow on June 2 at 2 p.m. Jeff Pelton, who has a background in geology, forestry, and history and who has led many hikes for the Weathersfield Historical Society and the Weathersfield Conservation Commission, will take walkers down the Class IV Old Springfield Road, which originally ran from Weathersfield Bow to Bugbee Road in Springfield. Jeff will loop the group back along a series of old logging roads. The walk will be held rain or shine but not during thunderstorms. Dress for ticks and bring your water bottle with you.

Park and meet at the Bow Baptist Church,1102 US-5, Weathersfield Bow, VT 05156. Questions: Call Jeff Pelton at 802-885-9517.

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