
Complaint about Claremont cable cost

Polly Foley
To the editor,

As I was looking at my cable bill, I wondered if Comcast had a senior discount. So I called Comcast, and I was told only two states have senior discounts with Comcast. Well, I wasn’t satisfied, so I called Comcast’s corporate office in Philadelphia, and I was told when the Claremont City Hall signed a contract with Comcast, they were given the option to include a senior discount or not. The City Hall of Claremont opted not to, and that is why no one in Claremont will ever get a senior discount with Comcast. Also, I tried to engage two other cable companies, and they stated that they couldn’t sell cable to people in the Claremont area. One of the companies that we are unable to get would buy out your existing contract, and is reasonably priced with no contract, but our hands are tied.


Polly Foley



Editor’s note: The Eagle Times called Comcast and was told the senior discount is only available in a few larger cities and it is still a pilot program.

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