SPRINGFIELD, Vt. — The all-volunteer Black River Action Team presents a ‘bug hunt’ from 5:30 — 7 p.m. on Monday, May 20 at the Springfield Town Library, 43 Main St, Springfield, Vermont — come get your fingers wet and explore life below the surface of Mile Brook (also known as Valley Street Brook) in Springfield. Discover the different creatures that call the stream bottom “home,” as they tell us about the water quality in the brook. BRAT uses this biological information to learn more about the chemical data they collect throughout the summer, helping form a deeper understanding of the long-range health of the water.
The first grade class at Elm Hill School, led by teacher Tiffany Tucker, will be releasing baby brook trout that they have hatched and raised as part of the Trout In the Classroom program. The little fish will call Mile Brook home and will grow big and strong by eating some of the macroinvertebrates in the stream.
Come and discover, and be a citizen scientist with the Black River Action Team! Learn more about BRAT by logging on towww.BlackRiverActionTeam.org. This program is free and open to the public! More info? www.springfieldtownlibrary.org or 802-885-3108.
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